Example sentences of "[n mass] of keep " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is that television is often used as a means of keeping children quiet , and their parents have no idea what they are watching .
2 It must be recognized that there are many good reasons for wishing to combine data in these ways , but a major problem arises because GIS packages fail to offer any means of keeping track of the effects of error propagation and how it affects the results .
3 ‘ Self-government ’ was thus conceived not as the inevitable prelude to letting India go , as it appeared at the time and has appeared since to eyes less clouded than Montagu 's by belief in the possibility of voluntary servitude , but as the natural means of keeping it .
4 Michael Howard at Environment , assisted by John Redwood , will be compromised by the need to make the council tax work , a useful means of keeping them in tow ; and Peter Lilley has been kept on board , though demoted , to Social Security .
5 This is a good means of keeping it out of harm 's way and it could not be better camouflaged .
6 The Schuman Plan had been sold to a French government that was worried about the future political , military and economic potential of the new West German state in part as a means of keeping a check on that potential .
7 Another means of keeping contemporary teachers better informed and less parochial in outlook has been through a range of central and local government books and reports .
8 A land lease was another kind of commercial favour which recurs , and this too could form a useful and persuasive means of keeping a voter 's loyalty , as in the attempt to augment the Argyll interest in the burgh of Stirling in 1756 by giving a tack of land in Argyllshire to Robert Campbell , a brother of the laird of Barcaldine , who was one of the merchants of the town .
9 The professorship in question was seen by the politicians as nothing more than a means of keeping the Laird of Cringletie happy ; it was , as Gorthie put it , ‘ a very good way to answer the Laird 's own expectations till once a good occasion offer ’ .
10 Loose-leaf binders are the most flexible means of keeping notes and hand-outs tidy .
11 Given that industrial democracy , defined as the ultimate right and duty of the men and women working in an industrial enterprise to call management to account for its performance , and , if that performance does not satisfy them , to replace management , is desirable in principle and as a means of making the efficient conduct of the enterprise their natural concern ; recognising that the rights of use attaching to ownership , whether in the private or public sector , are inalienable ; recognising the value in general of competition as a means of keeping production and provision sensitive to public needs and tastes , and as a means of relating the distribution of resources to them ; to consider ( i ) in what sort of industrial organisation would industrial democracy be feasible ; ( ii ) how far and in what circumstances would the adoption of such a form of organisation be feasible ; ( iii ) by what means should its adoption be promoted and how long would it take to establish it as a characteristic feature in the industrial scene ; ( iv ) what part should trade unions play in its promotion and adoption and what changes would that part require in their functions as they are commonly understood ; and ( v ) where in the case of a particular industry , or organisation , the general interest requires that accountability should be to the public at large , considered for example as consumers or users of goods produced or beneficiaries from services provided , what compensatory measures should be introduced so as to make good as far as possible the permanent denial to employees of a right which is in principle generally desirable ?
12 The only modification needed to make them operate efficiently in air is some means of keeping their surface clean and smooth , so the amphibians developed the capacity to blink and a membrane that they can draw across the front of the eyeball .
13 They are a means of keeping the constitution in tune with changing political circumstances without recourse to legislation .
14 This is a useful means of keeping nurses with other commitments in touch with nursing and the Health Authority and therefore is a good route for recruitment .
15 The Lords entered the fray in December with a strong preference for PR as a means of keeping both the Labour party and the Commons in check , so that in January 1918 there were disputes between the two houses as well as between and within the parties .
16 ‘ He is their means of keeping tabs on me .
17 Next night the mice came again , and gnawed through the soldiers ' belts and sword-straps , so they had no means of keeping their swords and their breeches on .
18 A spreadsheet program does n't replace the traditional accounts package as a means of keeping track of where a business spends its money but it be a powerful tool for preparing analyses or projections .
19 I realize that he encourages it , it 's a means of keeping me from being as discontented as I should be .
20 I have found all these meetings extremely valuable as a means of keeping in touch with UK and international developments in the environment field , and as a way of feeding in views from Wales .
21 He had espoused , it seemed to Theodora , the very best in High Church practices , advocating the traditional techniques of the spiritual life as a means of keeping sane .
22 Published every two months and approximately 12 pages in length , it is intended as an ideal means of keeping the practitioners and their staff up to date on topical issues .
23 A classified Landsat TM image ( Chapter 5 ) can be used to derive boundaries of spatial classes such as cropland , woodland and water , and remote sensing provide a means of keeping the data concerning land-surface cover that are stored in a GIS up to date .
24 On its own terms , his argument is virtually irrefutable : since grandeur was not a definable objective so much as a means of keeping the flame of national ambition alight , it could never really fail .
25 In chapter seven of The Form , leading his disciple on from the initial perspective of striving to order her inner life as if she should die tomorrow — a challenge which sets the adrenalin running and wonderfully sharpens awareness — he potently reminds her in terms of his own cultural coinage that the world is indeed " charged with the grandeur of God " by instructing her to see all her physical experience in terms of the sacrifice also offered at the Mass : By means of keeping in remembrance this little incantatory prayer at meals and indeed at all times not otherwise taken up with prayer or speech ( " and thynk it noght anely whils etes , bot bath before and after , ay bot when prayes or spekes " , 7.104.39 – 40 ) the disciple will maintain a constant perception of all aspects of sustaining life as a divine gift mysteriously available in time only through the processes of death and resurrection .
26 Even monetarists would accept that monetary policy is best regarded as the means of keeping monetary growth within fairly broad medium- or long-term target ranges .
27 In the modern world , sport has become at once a symbol of supposed supremacy , a means of keeping healthy , an opiate for the hopeless and the unemployed , an excuse for jingoism , and perhaps most of all , a source of considerable income .
28 Personally , I am not in favour of mammoth jail sentences except for the deserving few — and that 's not so much a matter of punishment as a means of keeping society free from their future depredations .
29 Pushing on with his plans is , therefore , his best means of keeping faith with them ; it is also the only sure way of establishing just what Beijing is prepared to do .
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