Example sentences of "[n mass] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When the first $1m came in , followed by more , Calero therefore had no idea who it was from , and did not ask .
2 For an hour and a half no German aircraft came near .
3 One after another the aircraft came back and we would count them , hoping against hope that they would all return .
4 So as an aircraft came out of the engineering wing I gave it a test .
5 The-other four Goshawk aircraft came down in an angled line which allowed each gun to rake the target from nose to tail in a continuous devastation of bullets .
6 The aircraft came down during an attempt to land in bad weather .
7 But I 'm always reminded of a large bomber aircraft coming in to land , moving very much more slowly than you 'd expect for something of its size .
8 Yesterday Capt Roy Beaumont , Loganair 's operations director , said that although the plane involved was an ATP , the down draught could have had the same effect on any aircraft coming in to land .
9 The data come mainly from industrialised countries where the pattern of STDs differs from that in Africa .
10 There 's almost no time left to play with the aircraft — and no need , because the flying program is devised so that getting the feel of this big personal fighter/business aircraft comes naturally .
11 Data comes directly into SpreadBase via DataPrism — no translation is necessary and there is no loss of metadata information on import .
12 The data comes in almost without intervention , fills in the pages , and someone just checks it to make sure it fits and erm that 's a great system .
13 Through that , Red Rhino came up with a matching deal which was not very high in terms of money or anything but it gave them some status , certainly with promotion .
14 Later , when the sheep came in , the rain had stopped .
15 More cavalry came by and then his three principal generals , in chains and dressed like the Negus , but each carrying on his shoulder a large stone as a mark of servitude .
16 We 're doing refreshments and it 's twenty pence to come in .
17 Yes and it 's only twenty pence to come in .
18 And this really was the basis therefore of the first films , they were really demonstrations that pictures could move , and this was sufficient for people to pay a few pence to come in erm and look at the films .
19 He gave me a shilling , and three pence to come home with .
20 Some of those services used to build up a wonderful feeling , and now and then it would become rather emotional with the preacher calling on folk to come forward to the penitents ' bench at the front to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord .
21 Li Yuan came forward , extending an arm to offer the Marshal a seat .
22 ‘ The company lost £100,000 coming here , ’ said Halusi Halil , managing director of the firm running the Merry Fisherman .
23 Was it gentry folk coming up for their holidays ?
24 it it came to be that it was the older men usually that were asked to do it I mean the people I suppose maybe felt it was more suitable to have older folk coming in to their houses .
25 As I drove off to return to Harbour Road , Ballyclare , the sight of the Bangor folk coming out to wave goodbye , brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eyes .
26 ‘ James , ’ he decided , ‘ station yourself here — let five hundred folk come past , then come yourself .
27 It 's , it 's amazing how many folk come up to see about it , and they , they decide eventually not to .
28 I would think so and the particularly the folk living in the towns consciously tended to use less Orcadian you know they they 'd more dealings with folk from outside the islands for one thing and folk come on in off ships and so on .
29 you get some folk come away
30 The radio plays continually , and some folk come in just to check the hourly news .
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