Example sentences of "[n mass] from [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While this feature is already implemented in the most recent version of Control:Manufacturing for the DEC VMS and IBM versions , its presence in the Unix version means that the new decision support software can collect , summarise and present manufacturing data from across the enterprise .
2 While this feature is already implemented in the most recent version of Control:Manufacturing for the DEC VMS and IBM versions , its presence in the Unix version means that the new decision support software can collect , summarise and present manufacturing data from across the enterprise .
3 The simple comparison of mean pulse rate data from before sedation and during the procedure showed both groups experienced a similar degree of tachycardia during the procedure ( Table III ) .
4 To discover why Lindsey chose this particular aircraft from among many other types that were available , one has to go back to 1967 and Lindsey 's purchase of the ‘ Me 108 ’ .
5 When he had gone some distance from the houses he met a mysterious little girl , who suddenly.appeared from behind a rock , and said , " Why are you weeping , my brother ? "
6 I would think so and the particularly the folk living in the towns consciously tended to use less Orcadian you know they they 'd more dealings with folk from outside the islands for one thing and folk come on in off ships and so on .
7 Mark Twain was so impressed he included a description in his work The Innocents Abroad : ‘ I watched the Silver Swan which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes — watched him swimming about as comfortably and unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jewellers ' shop — watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it ’ .
8 3DO Inc , the San Mateo , California start-up that revealed its licensable standard for a multimedia system of the future last month and has specified the Advanced RISC Machines Ltd RISC as the core of the Interactive Multiplayer ( CI No 2,082 ) , wants to capitalise on the excitement generated by making an initial public offering of about 2.5m shares at between $10 and $12 a time to raise $30m or so ; 3DO and its chief executive , Trip Hawkins , have already raised some $20m from from partners including Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , its MCA Inc , Time Warner Inc , AT&T Co , Electronic Arts Inc and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. 3DO has signed Morgan Stanley & Co , but the prospectus is not out .
9 He accumulated information on a variety of devices from different sources , including claimed contact with people from beyond this planet , and was able to elucidate certain basic principles , including the use of ‘ free energy ’ , no moving parts and the importance of shape , number and materials to proper functioning .
10 The idea is simply not credible to me that the British people will be able to exert their will through a European Parliament on such matters as , for instance , how many people from beyond their shores will be able to settle here or whether taxes should be lowered — thus halting , perhaps , some road-building programme in Greece — or whether Britain should continue to maintain her close links across the Atlantic .
11 Well after er we , things be begin to get more organized , people from outside the factory was drafted into the unit so i it began to be build up on that .
12 to involve people from outside government in the direction of the organization ; and
13 Researchers with an interest in the subject matter of the programme are encouraged to contact SSRU who have been given resources under the programme to support a range of projects conducted by people from outside SSRU .
14 I think as soon as people from outside of the community , and the quarrying community , as soon as they started giving us support , telling us right , we 'll help you , both financially and you know physically and what have you , you know the students , the women 's support group , when things started getting organized .
15 During the coming weeks , as I told you in our last programme , we are going to talk with people from outside the university who have contacts with us .
16 In most historical cultures , we discover peoplehood , ethnicity , kinship , certainly placehood , various bindings and unbinding : the people from here , and the people from over there .
17 It may well pass an act against it soon , it may well be that a lot of people from over there will get elected and you 'll get your bill , but then again it may not .
18 Some people from up the lane which , you know there 's some and the women were alright , do n't get me
19 And so it has now set its ‘ education and outreach ’ department ‘ to encourage young people from across Britain to use their music and song to tell their stories ’ .
20 In September , over 60 young people from across the deanery took part in a ten-pin bowling evening in Warrington .
21 Crude medical service utilization rates are very similar for older people from across the spectrum of social classes ( see Table 7.8 ) .
22 And the population of London swelled , both with naive readers of Time , and with young people from across the country .
23 The areas of Astrology and Biorhythms are of interest to people from across the world .
24 The areas of Astrology and Biorhythms are of interest to people from across the world .
25 And Ray praises highly the many people from across the country who agreed to take part in the four-part series .
26 The idea is simple : communities with high unemployment and economic depression can be turned around if the companies that operate in those communities can be persuaded to become involved in them , invest in them , and train and recruit people from within them .
27 They may also depend upon getting people from within the department to work to change old policies which have hitherto been regarded as quite satisfactory .
28 Also , I mean one of the things that the Council is considering doing , I mean this interest , I know that other people from around this area come into Harlow , one of the things that the Council 's thinking about is erm , is charging , or has debated , charging different rates for people who are coming in than , than those who live here .
29 Mr McKee , speaking at the official launching ceremony , said the Royal had a crucial role to play in the provision of health care , not just for the local community but for people from throughout the province .
30 The statistics are among the findings of a health and lifestyles survey carried out on a sample of 10,000 people from throughout Cheshire and Wirral .
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