Example sentences of "[n mass] be and " in BNC.

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1 That 's down in erm er I do n't it 's where the gasworks is and that 's on erm I do n't remember the road , the other end of the town .
2 His relational model is a theory of what data is and how it can be stored and retrieved .
3 I used to help with sticking the the er money onto the well this used to take about , you know , an hour all these kids did n't know what two pence was , did n't know what twenty pence was and ten pence and fifty pence and then we , they were in go about groups of seven and we get all this done then it would be assembly , then it 'll be games and then that 'll be it for the whole morning !
4 Well there was thousands killed see the infantry was and there were loads more all round you see ?
5 This is a great development because it allows us to accurately get information about where fish are and so work out a basic picture of the river environment .
6 ‘ The rod with the smelt on soon went again and I did not realise how big the fish was and steered it around the swim for a minute to break the ice .
7 Simple practice without analysis may be seen to be part of the craft tradition ; crafts people and their wares not being subject to literary criticism in the way that arts people are and historically have been .
8 ‘ It 's important that you remember how vulnerable frail , elderly people are and how much they need your help .
9 I 'm not really interested in adventures but I understand that some people are and the mag has to cover all topics to please everyone !
10 It is for all people , as people are and as they behave , for imperfect people living lives of their own in an imperfect world .
11 A lot of you 'd be surprised how gullible a lot of people are and frankly a lot of shopping problems do turn out to be the shopper 's own fault .
12 There is all the difference in the world between finding out who the single people are and having a statutory register as we have under the community charge .
13 The distinction is a very significant one , because all the great religions of the world have emphasized how important it is that religion and life are bound up together , that religion does not hive off into some remote corner unrelated to the real world ; all religions do bother about the secular in the first sense of the word — about how life is actually lived and what people are and do , and not just about what they say and believe .
14 These objections include the need to start where people are and relate to the pressures placed on them .
15 Forestry commission estimate that fifty million people a year visit their forest , walking how people are and what have you .
16 So it 's worth reiterating , making sure each member of the team knows who the senior people are and the branches they 're s they 're operating .
17 Could I not go to the castle where the German headquarters were and ask if they could forward a small gift of food to a worker in Germany ?
18 The slight down side of all this is that your foe will usually know exactly how tough your cavalry is and target them with spells and artillery .
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