Example sentences of "[n mass] [am/are] the " in BNC.

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1 If Hamamelis are the heralds of spring , Snowdrops must surely be the epitome of the start of a new gardening year .
2 Red Jungle Fowl are the progenitors of the bewildering variety of domestic fowl .
3 Fig. 15 Goldfish are the obvious choice when stocking a new pool .
4 Sheep are the mainstay of crofting economy .
5 ‘ We were in a Stockton recording studio at the time when the MMB asked the guy who runs it for ideas of music and we were suggested , ’ says Meadows who with schooldays chum Anthony Roe are the lead vocals .
6 I feel so stupid saying : ‘ Well , the Green Tench are the green ones … ‘
7 One operator will , of course , accumulate flying hours on a particular type of aircraft more rapidly than another and the ‘ high time ’ aircraft are the most vulnerable .
8 The available archaeological data are the excavated settlements and the more numerous cemeteries .
9 Other possible sources of research data are the official handbooks and prospectuses published by any large organization that is anxious to inform the general public , selectively , about its activities .
10 The in vivo data are the ratios of β -galactosidase activities in E. coli GT1008 ( metJ - ) carrying two plasmids : the metF'-lacZ + reporter construct pIP86 ( ref. 6 ) and either pGW11 ( control ) or pGW11-tacmetJ ( metJ + ) .
11 To our knowledge , these data are the first evidence for a specific interaction between a small molecule antagonist and the transmembrane domain of a peptide receptor .
12 Mortality data are the most readily available source of information about the health of the population .
13 The Scottish data are the most recent and most reliable and they show that the lower socio-economic groups are more likely to be both admitted to hospital and to stay longer than the higher socio-economic groups .
14 The raw data are the basic facts and figures of operational life , such as output figures , hours worked , invoice values , part numbers etc .
15 Of all the data types described in this book , Landsat data are the only kind that are interpreted and used in the form of pictures or images .
16 The requirements of the social science historian with regard to the archiving of computer-generated data are the same as those of any social scientist .
17 The main sources of data are the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) and studies published by Morgan Guaranty in ‘ World Financial Markets ’ .
18 The data are the shadow and , though description of that shadow can be of interest , it is the understanding of the source — the state of nature — that is the object of statistical analysis .
19 Let's assume that all the offspring are the same , in quality .
20 Infantry are the backbone of most armies .
21 Embarrassment is the name of the game in Dame Edna 's Neighbourhood Watch — and ordinary folk are the victims .
22 Medium size Dover sole for £4 lb are the cheapest prime fish this weekend .
23 Pickled brisket and chopped and fried fish are the specialities , although at times Laps bizarrely mixes the Eastern European tradition with that of south Lancashire .
24 A few living jawless fish are the only remnant of this ancient group , and they are highly specialized forms .
25 Without doubt wild-caught fish are the best for breeding and there are now some very good specimens about .
26 If my fish are the main cause of pollution , how do I minimise the problems and still have plenty of fish on show ?
27 Large groupers , lionfish and scorpionfish , morays , snappers , grunts , sweetlips and their allies , and squirrel fish are the main predatory fish family groups .
28 My little crew of seven fish are the test bed .
29 Small fish are the main sufferers , and the virus may , even then , disappear spontaneously , to reappear when the Koi are stressed .
30 Flounder are the principle species taken from this shallow venue although bass , eels , pout , rockling , plaice and the odd cod do show .
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