Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 So has team-mate Gehan Mendis , with worse still for Graeme Fowler , who was fined about £2000 for being so critical of the club , even though some of his offending remarks did not even make it into print .
2 Maidment , 22 , was fined £40 for being drunk in charge of a bike .
3 A woman who staged an IRA bomb hoax at an army barracks after being jilted by a soldier has been jailed for four and a half months .
4 And she was fined £1,500 after being found guilty of controlling prostitutes ' earnings .
5 I reckon over the past two years I 've probably lost about £8,000 with being at home , in lost earnings .
6 Many highly evolved species protect their fry from being eaten , as the parents are more able to drive away a would-be predator .
7 The Tigercat was one of the Sis-Q firebombing aircraft before being acquired by the Museum .
8 The methodological problem arises , it is argued , because all we can observe and gather data from are individuals .
9 Thus in Aldridge v Johnson ( 1857 ) 7 E & B 885 there was an agreement to transfer 32 bullocks valued at £192 in return for 100 quarters of barley valued at £125 , the set off of £23 to be paid in cash ; this was construed as a reciprocal sale ( see also Forsyth v Jervis ( 1816 ) 1 Stark 437 ; Sheldon v Cox ( 1824 ) 3 B & C 420 ) .
10 A consultant had advised them that they could earn £10.5m more from their current activities , and that there was a potential additional revenue of £25m to be made from the campus by expanding into calendars , hot dogs and more .
11 The workforce reduction and other actions will result in a one-time charge of $40m to be taken against the fourth quarter figures , but Cray expects to remain profitable for the year , and sees higher profitability as a result of the measures next year .
12 We then sailed alongside , too close For peace of mind in the lumpy conditions prevailing , but close enough for three cod to be thrown across .
13 The defendants who had contracted to refurbish a block of flats sub-contracted the carpentry work to the plaintiff for a price of £20,000 to be paid in instalments related to the work completed .
14 Managers of four of the 11 bond issues have declared Heron to be in default and sought instant redemption .
15 They are planning a 100 per cent digital phone system that will enable voice images and data to be carried on the line .
16 The panel asked for the new data to be published as a correction to the original paper .
17 Data to be published shortly draws on experiments including observations of Freddy , the dolphin that has been living off the Northumbrian coast for four years .
18 But cognition can not exist independently of its data base and for data to be evaluated it must first be perceived .
19 This allows the map data to be replaced by probability distributions of known form and parameters .
20 This has the obvious advantage of reducing the sheer volume of data to be gathered and processed but the disadvantage of being inflexible and possibly missing significant happenings because the category system did n't allow for them .
21 It would be nice to know whether females with high quality mates do indeed succeed in rearing more young than those with low quality mates ; they ought to , but there are n't yet enough data to be sure .
22 ‘ It is permissible for the data to be used for accident prevention purposes , but the source of the information must not be divulged to anyone who is not a member of the Authority . ’
23 The memory device called Random Access Memory ( RAM ) enables data to be written ( placed ) into memory cells and read ( retrieved ) from them again .
24 For such an approach to be worth while , we would expect the changes in the data to be ‘ small ’ in some sense , so the new optimal tableau is close to the old one .
25 In such classroom research , the teacher is part of the data to be observed .
26 Improvements to Ark printing are in the offing , Mr Round believes , as are facilities for transferring data into Ark , which will allow data to be loaded automatically from the firm 's AS/400 database without rekeying .
27 Instead of the great epic being told over and over by the bards and preachers of the word , we are offered by the critics snatches of data to be dissected , truncated , and — most scandalously of all — ‘ authenticated ’ .
28 To enable larger amounts of data to be handled , some hyper-text systems have already been augmented by a conventional relational data-base system as for example with the commercial system OWL [ 9 ] .
29 This loading process is very fast ( a few seconds for the same 70,000 words ) because there is effectively only one piece of data to be read , instead of 70,000 .
30 Whilst the clinical measurements of visual acuity and visual field yield key information for medical purposes of treatment and correction when possible , they also afford scientifically accurate data to be used as a basis for presenting learning materials that involve the use of vision .
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