Example sentences of "[am/are] n't [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because I do n't think wages for housework is the same thing as saying that when women have to give up their jobs when their kids are little , or if there are n't no nurseries , that they should have bigger family allowances , that is n't the same as saying wages for housework , is it ?
2 ‘ There are n't no other round here .
3 Which means there are n't no snakes here right now . ’
4 They also come in a reasonably wide range of standard sizes for d-i-y installation ; professional installers usually make to measure , so awkward sizes are n't a problem .
5 While extremely hardwearing , they are n't a good idea if you 're prone to dropping things — the tiles wo n't break , but whatever you drop will .
6 ‘ Pity there are n't a few more husbands to back me up , eh , Jack ?
7 Shoes , now , are n't a problem .
8 You are n't a good colour .
9 One of the lighter aspects of the tour was the plight of the hamburger salesmen ; lighter moment providing you are n't a hamburger salesman , that is .
10 She finished her ladling and pushed the plate of mutton stew and dumplings towards Agnes ; then , the ladle held above the casserole dish , she was about to dip it in again when Agnes said in an offhand manner , ‘ What a pity you are n't a widow , Mother , you could have had dear Henry yourself . ’
11 But women are n't a class , Sheila .
12 Plants are not necessary and are n't a natural occurrence in Lake Tanganyika , but if you do feel you want plant life in your tank try Java Fern and Anubias .
13 Although Clint 's organ is low in the mix there 's a real energy to the band tonight , a power that destroys the idea that the Inspirals are n't a great live band , which has been lingering in my mind since LA .
14 You are n't a man , you 're a devil !
15 So there are n't a great many local statutory reporting requirements to meet .
16 Their advantages are : they are generally made to measure , so awkward sizes are n't a problem ; they need minimal maintenance ; and they usually have integral weatherstripping .
17 ‘ You are n't a Rafferty , by any chance , are you ? ’
18 Hats are n't a great idea — they make life very difficult for the cameraman because you ca n't see the face underneath ( which in some cases might be an advantage ) .
19 And while the memory of stumbling through a huge — and previously unseen — boggy area on the North York moors in search of a mischievous mutt saves me from getting too romantic about foggy days , they are n't a write off .
20 The times , they are n't a changin'
21 ‘ Look how much better the Lilliputians do it ’ , is a tempting cry , but the more one looks into it the more one finds that the Lilliputians are n't a fair comparison with us : they have n't got our antiquated industries … our legal system ; and they are less than six inches tall .
22 You are n't a Stealer .
23 You are n't a hybrid .
24 ‘ Be glad you are n't a lord , then , my buoyant mankin , ’ said Googol .
25 Receive erm there are there are n't a lot of other words that do have C in well there are but they 're quite sort of awkward words like try deceive .
26 ‘ You are n't a servant at Thornfield Hall , of course .
27 You are n't a king , you 're a stupid boy ! ’
28 ‘ You are n't a stranger any more , ’ Cora-Beth said vehemently .
29 er other than wh the church ones , which obviously are n't a lot of use to us for this
30 Testers ' comments : Patricia : ‘ This is well-designed and stylish , has a handy pocket at the front , and the adjustable , padded nylon straps give added support so are n't a strain on the back .
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