Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] having " in BNC.

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1 Ironically , as ‘ our ’ crime problem gets worse , the demand for even more ‘ law and order ’ policies increases , even though these are blatantly having no effect on the level of serious crimes .
2 ‘ Our women are constantly having to fight in shop queues , and have thus become aggressive and unfeminine .
3 Any member of staff who sat down at his or her desk and wept with sorrow at the pain they are constantly having to encounter in their customers ' lives , anyone who wept with frustration at their helplessness in the face of the world suffering that they perceive would be considered mentally unstable .
4 ‘ We lose so many girls to the professional ranks it means we are constantly having to start again as regards team selection , ’ continued Mrs. Boatman .
5 And I took it to the people up on Royal Parade , who are constantly having burglaries , no , that 's that 's true , they have had several quite chunky burglaries
6 Meat production is obviously inefficient for all sorts of reasons and meat production from beef reared intensively is really wasteful by all sorts of criteria ; it is very expensive on fossil fuel , it is not very productive in terms of food energy and the animals are obviously having to be killed in the process .
7 television are obviously having trouble rousing experts to appear at ungodly hours to comment on the morning 's news .
8 ‘ It 's like a holiday camp sometimes and we are all having a good time .
9 ‘ And the kids are all having such fun together , building sand-castles and swimming in the sea .
10 But the reforms are already having a big impact on the politicians , who are deeply divided about how best to deal with the social tensions the reforms are expected to produce .
11 Solidarity ministers are already having to sweet-talk workers out of striking .
12 Most charities with over £100,000 income are already having an audit .
13 As is clear to anyone who is involved in the industry , open systems are already having an enormous impact on vendor strategies .
14 Wakeham rejected its plea on the grounds that the market is now functioning reasonably well , and pool prices are already having a restraining influence .
15 Staff are already having to put the inmates 3 to a cell .
16 And Wright , whose misery over the weekend was compounded when he wasted a glorious chance to rescue a point for Arsenal , added : ‘ Some people are just having a go at me for the sake of it and it 's beginning to get to me . ’
17 Until that happens , many designers are just having to hang on .
18 ‘ But the economy is sort of changing to be less based on the big companies , less based in some of the big centres of population where the media is based , and the defence industries are just having to adapt to a very new era .
19 " Oh Jim , " we can say , " we are just having a little chat about the I.R.A . "
20 And they 're the sort of people who are anyway having great difficulty finding er the extra to support their er own workers with their initial Poll Tax payments anyway .
21 they 're effectively having to re-write the word
22 We 're only having two or three up here anyway for the for the .
23 But they 're only having one big present each this year .
24 You 're only having little bits .
25 Well they 've stopped that lecture we 're only having one now , but we 've
26 Well we keep on trying Father we do n't get a lot of encouragement , I mean you 're only having one collection on Sunday nowadays .
27 We 're only having drama studio .
28 They probably think we 're all having a Smartie party up here . ’
29 We 're all having a party .
30 I get a lot of enjoyment from doing it , this is the biggest we 've been involved in and we 're all having a good time .
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