Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I mean , the next pubs are right over the side of the hospital ,
2 Despite the fact that spiders are all over the place in Dostoevsky , not just in Svidrigailov 's dirty bathhouse vision of Eternity , and that urban potted plants go back to the beginning in Poor People , we are here firmly inside Crime and Punishment in its abandoned first-person narrative form ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell all ’ ) : Petersburg evenings and their hanging summer light , noises from below , happy workmen , blessed ‘ living life ’ elsewhere , a lonely man in pain passing through gates , over thresholds , slipping up and down staircases , the buzzing By of Raskolnikov 's dream and his awakening , intense time-consciousness alternating with time-oblivion .
3 It is generally agreed that he has mishandled the students , who have been threatened , bullied , fired on with tear-gas grenades ; and now the university is closed which means that these cynical and angry students are all over the country spreading disillusion .
4 Statistics are all over the place .
5 And the eggs are all over the place .
6 These branch off from the main artery , called the aorta , and then divide into lots of smaller branches which are all over the surface of the heart .
7 ITN 's political match-summariser says that ‘ individually the polls are all over the place , but put them all together and you get a message you can trust ’ — not a science graduate , presumably .
8 So your capillaries are all over the place .
9 Er what I have chosen to do is to do what we were doing in the nineteen eighties , which is to take the simplest measure of the maximum flow and the detrusor pressure at that volume and when we do that , you can see that these patients , instead of being a single group of patients with a single kind of bladder pressure and flow , these patients are all over the map .
10 ‘ My dear de Craon , my troops are all over it . ’
11 Her claw-prints are all over this Anya debacle , and the only physical attentions from me she 's likely to receive in future are a piece of my mind , the rough side of my tongue and my boot up her backside . )
12 His fingerprints are all over the car .
13 ‘ The police are all over the place .
14 Staff here are all over the moon .
15 Booth , Wright , Smith and Ferguson are all over the age of 21 .
16 employ twelve hundred people , much of their traffic passes through Bungay , their products , their employee and supplies are all over the place and their products are distributed country-wide , much of their traffic goes through Bungay , and I think they both have plans to extend their plants both er Buxton and Bernard Matthews .
17 The er facial expressions are perhaps over the top for court ?
18 The Germans are just over the river there — I 'm off on a recce directly — and I have n't time to muck about .
19 I know that you people are just over a bank holiday weekend and so will be slower than usual voicing your comments to the net but WE WON after all .
21 They 're all over you round the edges , coming over the top of the maul and grabbing half-backs . ’
22 They 're all over the place , west , east and in between .
23 ‘ They 're all over me .
24 They 're all over Tongjiang .
25 And then the minute he wants something — which is only ever one thing — you 're all over him , making it easy for him and when he 's got what he want he says ‘ Thank you very much .
26 ‘ You 're all over them . ’
27 Now you 're all over the bloody papers .
28 They 're all over Wimbledon . ’
29 ‘ They 're all over us in the air , and we ca n't stop them on the ground .
30 Er you you 're sort of chatting away and people come in and they 're all over the place , so er
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