Example sentences of "[am/are] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ah these are them anyway , cos them er curtains that were up there for ages were a right mess
2 Where are them then ?
3 what are them like ? banns banns
4 These are them there .
5 Books are me most prized possessions , ye ken .
6 Am I even a little bit — beautiful , or are you just saying it to make me open up ? ’
7 ‘ Why am I here at all ?
8 I am not a scrounging pain in the arse , just your average pissed-off ‘ what the bloody hell am I here for ? ’ soldier .
9 Why am I here if he ca n't do it ?
10 Why the fuck am I here , Marcus ?
11 Then watch a British woman shuffling self-consciously along the same promenade and you see ‘ Christ , why the hell am I here ? ’ agonising embarrassment .
12 ‘ Why am I here ?
13 Why am I here ? was his next thought .
14 Not just job address past history — get into the habit of thinking Why am I here ?
15 ‘ Why am I here , Bernadette ? ’
16 Right , erm the purpose of me being here , why am I here you may ask .
17 Until you realise , , God am I here ?
18 ‘ Why am I here ? ’
19 And why , thought Adam , sleepless and sore in his damp cloak under the trees , why am I here to fret at it still ?
20 ‘ AM ’ , ‘ ARE ’ , ‘ WAS ’ , ‘ WERE ’ Weak forms : ‘ Why am I here ? ’ ( before consonants ) ‘ Here are the plates ’ ( before vowels ) ‘ The coats are in there ’ ‘ He was here a minute ago ’ ( before consonants ) ‘ The papers were late ’ ( before vowels ) ‘ The questions were easy ’ In final position : , , , ‘ She 's not as old as I am ’ ‘ I know the Smiths are ’ ‘ The last record was ’ ‘ They were n't as cold as we were ’
21 What am I here for ?
22 What am I most likely to get out of this if I do it ?
23 Am I simply a lesbian ?
24 Am I being defiant , Anna thought now , pushing her metal cage of bottles down the aisle towards her allotted shelves , am I simply cocking a snook at Peter ?
25 Or am I simply what they expect me to be ?
26 Am I simply a substitute for Jeanne ? ’
27 Am I simply the latest victim in a long line ? ’
28 How that 's done I do n't know how do we reach these people there 's a broad sheet that goes to the school 's am I right Jan ?
29 Now am I right or am I wrong , Sir Gregory ? "
30 It was blowing a gale , am I right Dick ?
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