Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Decisions still emerge which are redolent of the pre-1964 era , such as those which manipulate the distinction between rights and legitimate expectations .
2 If those figures are right of four hundred and ten now you do n't need to be a real big mathematician , even at this time of night , but you , if you have the two hundred and thirty four out of commission and you 've got to have those cos that 's got ta be a rolling programme each four years .
3 Since in the pizza query the last two words in the name are descriptive of the business , the Mothercare case is well in point and helpful to the reader and his client .
4 It is appropriate to talk of ‘ marginalization ’ and ‘ peripheralization ’ because these terms are descriptive of social process , but the underclass model reduces capitalism to a description and confines action to moral outrage and good will .
5 Horror stories are rife of ex-cons setting up their own security companies , with all the obvious risks that entails .
6 And there is no point denying that I suffer from Denial , because this means only that I am guilty of Deep Denial .
7 ‘ That I am guilty of making wholesale judgements about women such as you .
8 As Pilate stands watching , watching Jesus being humiliated , watching him being tormented that thought going through the mind , I am responsible for this , I am guilty of it , I have done it !
9 People who are shy of speaking out in front of all the other governors may feel more confident in a sub-committee .
10 If you are shy of creasing clothes , wear a pure linen jacket with a linen blend skirt .
11 Both Church of Ireland and presbyterian political ethics in the North are supportive of the union and the forces of law and order , whereas the sects have a more flexible respect for state authority .
12 Although the terms of the motion to be debated are supportive of government economic policy , a significant number of constituencies have criticised over-reliance on interest rates as an instrument of economic regulation .
13 I hate men like you who proclaim that they are supportive of women and their efforts for equality .
14 ‘ The society are supportive of the continuation of the local brick-making industry and the employment it provides .
15 Staff work together and are supportive of each other and have been involved in the decision-making process through the various ‘ teams ’ that make up the management of the school .
16 ‘ You would be playing rugby with people who are supportive of change and who are non-racial .
17 Moreover , their parents are supportive of modern language , not only in theory , but also in practice , and they wish their children to have access to the modern language curriculum .
18 Weiss believes friendships to be important in so far as they reflect attitudes and behaviour that are supportive of the individual 's own beliefs , and they provide a reassurance of self-worth by virtue of their acceptance .
19 Under the scheme , forest management and surveillance will be maintained and local people will be permitted to continue to exploit the forest in ways that are supportive of existing ecosystems .
20 If the simple outlines are resonant of Modigliani , there is also a hint of the then fashionable artist , Bernard Buffet .
21 It is also necessary to understand that many people with disabilities are apprehensive of well-managed services providing continuity .
22 And I think there 's one important strategy which many teachers are apprehensive of using .
23 So whether your tastes are low of highbrow , I have no doubt you will enjoy ‘ The Grudge Match : Amis v Barnes ’ , page 78 , an account of the latest round in a long-standing snooker grudge match between two of Britain 's best known novelists .
24 Many players are guilty of having a lesson and almost expecting a magical remedy to their problems .
25 Surely it is not the scientists who are guilty of hubris here but their accusers , in implying that humans could play God .
26 Both sides have a point : some foxes kill lambs , poultry and game , and some foxes are guilty of no crime greater than the dispatching of mice and earthworms .
27 Their pleading averts such a complete disaster , and succeeds in focusing God 's punishment on those who are guilty of the rebellion .
28 And even people ‘ who blast some pot on a casual basis ’ are guilty of ‘ treason ’ .
29 Although Leapor accepts that many women are guilty of inconstancy and immoderate behaviour , she nonetheless holds out the prospect of transformation .
30 Our usual accounts of excitatory conditioning refer to associations between events referred to as CS and US , but in doing so they are guilty of over-simplification .
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