Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 People are angry and are pitching hard because of the polarisation of the debate between the status quo or independence .
2 His orders are to kill as many people as he can , ’ I answered .
3 The Ch'noze are raiding further east than usual this year . ’
4 In addition , if you are delayed more than 12 hours and you have chosen to take the recommended Holiday Insurance Policy that Club 18–20 has arranged with Eagle Star , you have the right to cancel and receive a refund , or , at your preference , continue on your holiday and receive compensation of up to £65 per person .
5 It does seem an anachronism that the Australian government could in theory be sacked by the Queen in London , particularly as both countries are devoting much greater attention to their regional interests .
6 Companies are devoting very low attention — at least in terms of money — to controlling investment ’ .
7 ‘ I do n't think ordinary people really appreciate the scale of what we are building here , ’ he said .
8 Against this , J.H. Gagnon and William Simon have argued in their book Sexual Conduct that sexuality is subject to ‘ socio-cultural moulding to a degree surpassed by few other forms of human behaviour ’ , and in so arguing they are building both on a century of sex research and on a century of questioning the notion of ‘ natural man ’ .
9 Northern Engineering Industries , who are building Rihand , have received more aid than any other company — 47 million ( $89 million ) in subsidies .
10 At least one top left-hander in the top six looks a must to help combat Warne 's leg-spin-and the odds on David Gower returning are shortening almost by the hour .
11 If your holiday dates are pre-set then set great care should be taken to ensure you 're adequately equipped for the worst of possible conditions .
12 They are gathered even now .
13 Now , unless I am mistaken , those partisans of anti-cruelty or pro-welfare who are gathered here also accept these same aspirations .
14 As sober as judges and as reverent as pilgrims , we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of disco and rock , the funeral of Sinead O'Connor , the birth of cool .
15 Some of the fruits of his literary labours are gathered here in an anthology sourced from newspaper writings and his previous books , with scrutinies of most of the top players of the past few years , Test and county .
16 We are gathered here to celebrate a marriage but , in deference to the family of the late verderer and lord of the manor , our celebrations will cease .
17 We are gathered here a little before Christmas to perform our annual fishing industry pre-ministerial Council season 's service — that litany of woe from every corner of the kingdom — telling of sad tidings of discomfort and no joy in the industry .
18 Be careful , he warned , when buying bulbs such as cyclamen — some rarer varieties are gathered indiscriminately from certain parts of the Mediterranean and Turkey area and are in danger of disappearing .
19 People are gathered there .
20 But he was close about himself : he knew that where two or three are gathered together … what they do n't know , they 'll make up .
21 He concludes with a formal oath : ‘ I , the Lord , have spoken ; surely this will I do to all this wicked congregation that are gathered together against me : in this wilderness they shall come to a full end , and there they shall die . ’
22 The young wheat is streaked by silver lines of water running between the ridges , the sheep are gathered together on the slopes .
23 Of course even in a well-controlled crowd there are bound to be accidents when many thousands of spectators are gathered together , and Sadler ( 1983 ) describes the medical problems which commonly occur and how they are managed on such a large scale , with particular reference to the nurse 's role .
24 What aims , objectives , hopes , wishes and intentions are gathered together under the broad heading of resource-based learning ?
25 Does the television studio , in which a group of academics are gathered together for a discussion on an ‘ academic ’ issue , count as an academic setting ?
26 Subject subdivisions are gathered together into tables in some schedules , such as Language and Literature .
27 Instead of just inspecting records within the Input range you can define n output range so that all the records found as a result of the search are gathered together into a separate table .
28 The statistics for these and other places are gathered together in V. A. Hatley and J. Rajczonek , Shoemakers in Northamptonshire , 1762–1911 , published as the Northampton Historical Series no.6 in 1971 .
29 They are gathered together from all over the retina into a single bundle , which is the optic nerve for that eye .
30 Remembering the words of Jesus , that where two or three are gathered together .
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