Example sentences of "[Wh det] she [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 What she getting at you for ?
2 What she looking at
3 Why what she wearing ?
4 What she saying ?
5 What she saying ?
6 What she having ?
7 What she having ?
8 What she going to think you 've come to do ? ’
9 what she crying for ? , what she going on the street for if she do n't like it ? , silly idiot
10 So ehm , so , what she going to work over there then .
11 What she going to , what she applying to get a degree ?
12 but it tipped with rain , oh well happy gardening , bye , oh no you do n't oh dear what she doing to you eh ?
13 No , there 's been she could say what she doing ?
14 What she doing ?
15 ooh , ah , what she doing ?
16 What she doing ?
17 what she doing up there ?
18 because that 's only supposed to be up to this week three more weeks in April what she doing ?
19 What she going to , what she applying to get a degree ?
20 what she crying for ? , what she going on the street for if she do n't like it ? , silly idiot
21 why , what she gon na do ?
22 and I thought oh what she gon na say , because he went yesterday afternoon
23 what , what she gon na do work ?
24 what she gon na do ?
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