Example sentences of "[Wh det] keep they " in BNC.

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1 However , the latest frames have a galvanised coating which keeps them rusts-free .
2 The blubber which keeps them warm in the water acts as an overly-effective insulator on land , and they can literally cook in their own fat if they are not kept cool .
3 They appear to survive simply because they are businesses , and it is their commercial structure alone which keeps them alive .
4 After an inept start , Rangers battled belligerently to achieve the result they sought which keeps them abreast of Marseille , who defeated Club Brugge 3-0 in France .
5 4 Children will enjoy the ‘ brushing time left ’ indicator which keeps them brushing until their two minutes are up .
6 NoGGIN members continue to receive the University 's monthly newsletter which keeps them up to date with all public lectures , musical events , etc. , on campus .
7 ‘ It is a unique paper , ’ he says , ‘ and it is held in such affection because , no matter where Ulster people are , it is the one which keeps them in touch with ALL the local sport , whether its football and rugby or darts and pigeon racing . ’
8 What has happened in the current year is we 've started from no involvement with this particular group of clients , and building up where by the end of the year , our best estimate we 're approaching six hundred clients so then we have a commitment of providing either residential care or some care package which keeps them out of residential care .
9 Gary Wolstenholme drew on his wealth of experience over the Hoylake course to give England the all-important point which keeps them on course for a fifth title in a decade .
10 Laurie , known to the boxing boys as Lol , believes boxing can give ‘ lads with fire in their belly ’ an ambition which keeps them on the straight and narrow .
11 Life Line , the internal publication for the bank 's employees , which keeps them in touch with the activities of Royal Scottish Assurance — publishes a table which shows the top 20 branches in 1991/92 ranked by insurance commission earnings .
12 As they shift from one adult to another , teachers say it is the video which keeps them under control — a new binge of blood and guts each time they are shuttled past the rental shop .
13 There seem to be so many additives available for marine tanks that you would need a store room in which to keep them all .
14 It is only their sheltered lives which keep them from facing the same problem .
15 Women and children must be protected from sex offenders and that means imposing heavy prison sentences which do not merely recognise the degree of hurt the offenders have inflicted , but which keep them off Britain 's streets .
16 When they were n't trashing their equipment ( something which kept them occupied deep into the Seventies ) , they were trashing each other .
17 He spent several weeks calling on the homes around his church to discover the needs of the community and the inhibitions which kept them from church attendance ( Schuller 1974:81 ) .
18 Perhaps they helped persuade the British to follow a policy which kept them out of almost all the continental wars of the next quarter-century .
19 One reason for this was that all officers of the Associations were honorary and had other jobs which kept them busy .
20 In 1992 there were 1.3 million fewer employees than in 1973 , and although there were 950,000 more people self-employed and 325,000 people on various training schemes which kept them off the unemployment register , there were 77,000 fewer in the forces and 122,000 fewer people in work .
21 If it were n't for Lennie , George could have had a peaceful life and have married someone but it is this power of ‘ deep-inside ’ love which kept them together .
22 ‘ I just do n't understand how planes work or what keeps them up there .
23 Galbraith attributes the traditional tolerance of the underclass to the view , now perhaps no longer valid , that what keeps them happy ( or , at least , unrevolutionary ) is the possibility that they may eventually get out .
24 In this case what keeps them apart is not belonging to the same sex , rather , it is simply a condition of life that in no human relationship can two persons ‘ fuse ’ into one .
25 ‘ Then what keeps them from clumping together in the middle of the Universe ? ’
26 That 's what keeps them fighting in the hills . ’
27 For kids , the chance to have an organised rough and tumble is what keeps them going .
28 what keeps them at it .
29 It 's what keeps them going .
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