Example sentences of "[no cls] a year " in BNC.

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1 Alliance & Leicester ( Isle of Man ) ( 0624 663566 ) provides Manximum Instant Access , which has a minimum investment of £10 and interest from 4% gross ; Manximum 90 day account which has a minimum investment of £1,000 and interest beginning at 6% ; and Manximum Investment Bond , a 12 month gross interest account with a monthly income option paying 8.5% a year on a minimum of £10,000 .
2 Proponents of this myth argue that countries with increasing per capita incomes , like Japan ( 21% increase from 1980 to 1986 ) , have low population growth rates ( 0.7% a year ) , whereas those with declining incomes , like Nigeria ( 28% decrease from 1980 to 1986 ) , have much higher population growth rates ( 3.0% ) .
3 If the average age at school entry is 4.5 years this gives an outward migration rate of 12.5% a year ( 95% confidence interval 10.8% to 14.4% ) .
4 GDP growth has averaged 8.4% a year in real terms since 1960 in spite of the mid-1980s recession , which saw 3% negative growth .
5 Holland 's was 5.4% in January , down from 6.3% a year ago .
6 Boeing predicts that revenue passenger miles ( RPMs — the number of passengers carried on each flight multiplied by the distance of the flight ) will continue to grow by 5.4% a year over the next 15 years .
7 The Stock Exchange has dismissed a disciplinary charge against market makers Smith New Court which arose when it carried out an £80million ‘ programme trade ’ for fund managers Ivory&Sime a year ago .
8 An increase of 0.5% a year in waste generation per head suggests that rich societies throw away progressively less of their total economic output .
9 The top 10 companies tool 60.5% of the market , up from 50.7% a year ago .
10 This is alarming , except by African standards : India 's growth rate of 2.22% a year is far exceeded by Africa 's 3.2% .
11 Arthur Andersen established the Japanese International Network , serving Japanese-based companies in other countries , in 1983 , and also has its own inhouse operation in Japan itself , which is known as Inoue Saita Eiwa and brings in a fee income of around Y20.5bn a year .
12 They 're on seventy and eighty thousand er er a year !
13 er a year .
14 Well we often lose a er a year
15 till we got to near the den and do that and we spent er a year and a half there and all the time we were watching this house being built , because I was working at the Corporation and the number of people of the Corporation from the tea boy cadet down came up to see this , this and that , was nobody 's business , mm , without , we enjoyed it , it was quite funny really it is
16 Er we 're going to continue our focus sponsorship on and corporate hospitality er we 're going to set up er a chairman and chief executives ' club which we er , we have now done being and that it 's the chief executives ' club , it 's their club , we facilitated , have er four or so er lunches er a year and a launch lunch for example we have as a keynote speaker .
17 I smelt fresh cigar smoke and I called out like you normally would to anybody there and no er reply so I searched all round the building , not a soul in sight but there was this distinct smell of cigar smoke and my colleague er Mr Martin he had an experience er a year or two after he joined us .
18 Is there any guarantee that this situation might not be repeated er a year from hence ?
19 But during the 1990s the workforce is expected to grow by only 0.5–0.7% a year .
20 But in the southern state of Kerala , where literacy exceeds 90% , the population growth is only 1.2% a year .
21 For instance , if 5% Treasury stock can be bought on the market at f50 , the buyer receives f5 a year from the government .
22 It is estimated that about 15 per cent of the population , mostly in the rural areas , earn less than Z$100 a year , and it is this group which is facing the most difficulties in keeping their children at school .
23 Series G Capital Bonds offer a gross return of 7.75% a year ( v compound , 9% Series F ) if held for five years .
24 Commenting on its figures ( see page five ) , Eschborn , Germany-based Linotype AG says its 1992 domestic orders fell by 6% but the company enjoyed solid gains in key foreign markets , with the US up 18% , Japan up 24% and the Middle and Far East showing gains of between 15% and 49% ; the US market surpassed Germany for the first time , and exports at the computerised printing systems and equipment company accounted for 72.1% of overall business in 1992 after 69.1% a year earlier .
25 Despite the improvement from IBM 's personal computer business , overall profits were weak in the company 's hardware operations : the gross profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29% , compared with 48% a year ago ( a decline of 19% has been bandied about , but that came from someone that does n't understand percentages — it 's a fall of 19 percentage points or 39.6% ) ; the overall gross margin was 39.5% in the first quarter , down from 50.8% a year ago ; IBM 's tax rate was 25% in the first quarter , below the 45% rate IBM had indicated earlier ; IBM told analysts to continue to expect the 45% rate for the rest of this year .
26 It is no coincidence that house prices rose faster in Britain in the 1980s ( by an average of 5.9% a year in real terms ) than elsewhere .
27 Before the Gulf war the International Civil Aviation Organisation forecast that international scheduled-passenger traffic in the region would grow by 10.5% a year to the end of the century , compared with global growth of only 6.7% .
28 Economic growth in 1986–90 averaged 4.5% a year .
29 The 6th index-linked National Savings Certificate gives a guaranteed tax-free return of 3.25% ( 4.5% a year on 5th issue ) compound on top of index linking if held for five years .
30 Estimated gross yield at 100p is 4.5% a year .
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