Example sentences of "[Wh det] have it " in BNC.

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1 Moody thinks that ‘ the final stanza may allude to a variant of Ariadne 's tale , which has it that she did not die of a broken heart but was loved by Bacchus ’ .
2 It could well and easily be replaced by a doctrine which has it that the surgeon 's act carries liability only if good faith and due care and skill can be shown to be lacking .
3 What possible sense can there be in a legal rule , for example , which has it that a woman is presumed fertile even though she is past menopause or has undergone a hysterectomy operation ?
4 ‘ Once you have driven a car which has it , you do n't want to go back .
5 They drew up a detailed proposal and submitted it to the Basic Energy Research Programme of the DOE ( Department of Energy ) in Washington DC , which has it dated ‘ 23 August ’ .
6 Seventy five pounds , which having it for M O T
7 This raises another spectre : as palladium is the key , what power brokerage will it give the countries which have it as a natural mineral resource — USSR and South Africa ?
8 Some things have it , and others lack it , and the things which have it have it in different degrees .
9 Postvocalic /r/ will be a salient feature of those dialects which have it for speakers of dialects which do not .
10 What has it to do with you ? ’
11 So what has it got to offer ?
12 Really really what has it got to do with our clients ?
13 What has it what has it what ways are you critical ?
14 What has it what has it what ways are you critical ?
15 And what has it to do with me ? ’
16 What has it to do with you ? ’
17 Now as far as I 'm concerned and many people this remark is ageist and sexist and really what has it got to do with Nottingham heritage ?
18 What has it to do with the ‘ urban ’ ?
19 ‘ Just what has it got to do with you ? ’
20 But what has it availed me ?
21 ‘ A thousand years of running and hiding , and what has it come to ?
22 But what has it got .
23 I 'm gon na stop there but what has it we could spend all day and all tomorrow talking about detailed and knowledge .
24 I mean , why was Dave being quoted for , what has it got to with Dave ?
25 What has it got little things on the bottom ?
26 What had it been about ?
27 Anyway , what had it all amounted to ? scorned Alice , triumphantly examining that too-pale , anxious , strained face , with beads of sweat on the forehead : printing fucking garbage for this or that bloody faction in the fascist bloody Labour Party , printing dish-water newspapers for bloody liberals and revisionists , sucking up to shitty politicians on the make and bourgeois trash anyway doomed to be swept into the dustbins of history ?
28 What had it all been about , then ?
29 The coolness about … about what had it been ?
30 And what had it achieved ?
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