Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] as " in BNC.

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1 They scattered across the dirt plaza that gave the low-lying village its air of consequence ; those whose homes lay uphill began their journey with scuffling games of last-lick which ceased as the road became steep and the heat too strong .
2 He wore a black p.v.c. raincoat which creaked as he moved .
3 They wore white military costumes in the style of musketeers ; the fabric was impregnated with luminous paint which glowed as they marched and countermarched in the stage blackout .
4 lt was heading away from me and I could see the twin yellow eyes of its exhaust which dilated as the plane changed its inclination and became airborne .
5 Many studies describe a ‘ retrenchment from the front ’ , which occurred as police management sought to control or influence the research design and practice .
6 There is never a situation in which there is simultaneously a demand from a marketplace which requires replacement sales of a commodity that it already has , as well as the basic growth which occurred as household after household abandoned gas and moved into the new form of lighting .
7 Preliminary reports gave no indication as to whether a bomb had caused the blast , which occurred as the train was travelling through Daghestan , an autonomous republic of the Russian Federation immediately to the north of Azerbaijan .
8 A quiver ran through her which heated as it travelled through her body and which he must have noticed , for he smiled mockingly at her .
9 The absorbed varieties , which are now rare , included the red-and-white colour-sided East Finnish ( Itä-Suomalainen Karja , or ISK ) , the red West Finnish ( Länsi-Suomalainen Karja , or LSK ) , which contributed as well to the creation of the Estonian Native in the USSR , and the white colour-pointed North Finnish ( Pohjois-Suomalainen Karja , or PSK ) , which was similar to the Swedish Mountain and is probably now extinct .
10 Meh'Lindi reached into the trunk and lifted out a small tentacle , which squirmed as it left the stasis-field .
11 The body is made from a single piece of mahogany , which came as quite a surprise , because at a casual glance you 'd think it was ash .
12 Simensen , who had started the day only 51 seconds behind Lillywhite in ninth place , was the rider with most to gain from the attack which came as the leaders completed eight laps of a city-centre finishing circuit .
13 Two soldiers were injured , one critically , by a later bomb which exploded as they were searching the area .
14 Their Bunny tails , as Norman Mailer put it , were ‘ puffs of chastity which bobbled as they walked . ’
15 A nearer neighbour is ‘ Hunslet Saddle Tank ‘ Sybil ’ which arrived as scrap from the Pen-yr-Orsedd slate quarry near Caernarvon , plus vertical boilered 0-4-0 ‘ Redstone ’ which was originally a garden-railway loco built by a foreman fitter at a Welsh quarry for the Boss 's son !
16 Long Bridge in those days was quite a rickety wooden structure , which shook as you walked across .
17 It was claimed that the police investigated the attack which happened as Kylie returned to Australia after another of her visits to Britain .
18 Tony Atkinson , 16 , was fighting for his life after the collision which happened as he was walking to Queen Mary school in Long Lane , Fazakerley .
19 At first it was part of a dream , which vanished as soon as I woke and knew that I was alone on the broch island , lying on the turf in a sleeping-bag , with my head pillowed on my rolled-up sweater , but seemingly connected with the earth itself , from which , apparently right below my head , came a sound every bit as strange as the mermaids ' song of the seals .
20 Meh'Lindi wore a mildly blissful smile which vanished as she came alert again .
21 All except a couple of knights , which vanished as soon as they left the board itself .
22 As with the North-South drift , the urban-rural shift has involved certain types of people more than others , a feature which intensified as migration became more difficult after the early 1970s peak .
23 The campaign was marred by violence which intensified as the election drew near .
24 Michele gave her a mocking look , which intensified as colour came in to her cheeks .
25 The rod-bending bites are merely the start of a run , and it is this first powerful run , which began as soon as the barbel picked up the baited hook and gained momentum within seconds , that is the crucial time for losing fish .
26 I 'd leave the shop at 6 p.m. , drive off to a gig , ( reeking of chips despite bathing nightly in Domestos ) and return in time for the hour and a half of cleaning which began as soon as the last customer left at midnight .
27 Lewis 's Allegory of Love ( 1936 ) , the book that made him known , was almost all written while he was still an atheist ; and his Christian polemics , which began as war-time broadcasts , never prevented him from winning secular admirers .
28 The outcome , however , would be settled not by determining the relative validity of different principles of government formation , but by the complex process of political manoeuvring which began as soon as the election results were known .
29 There seem to be three broad influences at work here : a partisan influence , which was the most powerful and consistent , plus information-based and propaganda-based influences , which declined as the election approached .
30 There were three broad influences on perceptions of Labour chances : a ‘ wishful thinking ’ ( partisan ) influence , which was the most powerful and consistent ( Labour supporters rated their party 's chances highly ) ; a pure information-based influence ( discussion , education , television viewing all lowered expectations of a Labour victory ) , which declined as the election approached ; and a propaganda-based influence ( reading rightwing papers also lowered expectations of a Labour victory ) , which also declined as the election approached .
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