Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sticksman Joe mans a wild but never woolly rhythm base to rival the show 's more obvious stars — honey-throated haranguestress Roxanne , and tom , the one-man post-whatever guitar genre .
2 No precise functional relationship was posited between the level of aggregate demand and the pressure on money-wages : it was simply feared that a stated and credible commitment to the objective of full employment might foster an atmosphere in the wage bargaining process in which money wages could run out of control .
3 Debate was confined to the purely theoretical properties of the income expenditure model in which money wages and prices were allowed to go into free fall in the presence of general unemployment .
4 In order to understand their significance and the ways in which money supply can be controlled , it is first necessary to look at the various types of account in which money can be held and at the various financial institutions involved .
5 In practice it is difficult to predict the precise amount by which money supply will expand if there is an increase in banks ' liquidity .
6 Add to that arguments over which defence budget benefits most from conventional troop reductions , if as seems likely these are agreed in Vienna in the course of 1990 , and we will find ourselves having to bargain over most of the central issues of foreign policy and public expenditure with our West European partners within the same political and institutional framework .
7 Peter Schmidt of the Stiftung Wissenschaft Politik at Ebenhausen , a leading expert on European defence and security issues , has identified the formulation of a Common Foreign and Security policy as the product of a ‘ top-down approach ’ which ‘ regards the political union of Western Europe within the framework of the EC as an end in itself ’ , rather than of a ‘ functional or horizontal approach ’ which ‘ asks in a practical way which defence functions can and should be handled in a Western European framework , which ones can remain attached to existing defence arrangements — above all that means Nato — and which ones can stay at the disposal of nation states ’ .
8 In 1985 , total expenditure on defence and administration was 863 billion dinars , of which defence expenditure by the federal government was 460 billion dinars .
9 In an age in which the Church was living and functioning largely within more or less liberal , democratic societies and in which defence mechanisms such as the Index of forbidden books had ceased effectively to function , it was no longer possible to insulate Catholic society mentally from the world around it .
10 The case in which the reference levels are reset has been triggered on numerous occasions , as has the debugging version in which user action is required every measurement .
11 Now um I suppose in that context um one of the things that makes this perhaps rather difficult to understand is the way in which y'know kind of when you look at children playing , when you talk to children , they 'll often express a good deal of curiosity about sexuality um both to each-other and to adults .
12 Erm there 's a sense in which y'know kind of when I go to concerts erm there 's y'know kind of there 's loads of blokes who take their shirts off and er wrestle around together and build human pyramids and do all that kind of , lots of body contact , lots of grasping one-another and all that kind of thing and yet erm y'know presumably to them , on the assumption that they 're heterosexual , as I assume probably they are , it 's it 's one of these things that erm y'know is kind of again maybe it even occurs at the same time as they 're quite homophobic in some cases .
13 Alternative splicing is one mechanism by which tenascin isoforms are generated .
14 Decision process models are also affected by the degree to which brand loyalty has been built up and maintained , since brand loyalty speeds the individual through the decision process sequence , and lessens the degree to which alternative products or brands are evaluated .
15 These are the quantities with which physics deals and as the subject ventures into new regimes remote from common experience it must adjust its concepts to match whatever it finds there .
16 Law codes are a major source for the Anglo-Saxon period , and those which Archbishop Wulfstan of York wrote for Æthelred and Cnut are among the most extensive .
17 However , preliminary studies have indicated considerable potential in an arrangement termed Radio-assisted Practice ( RAP ) , in which supervising tutor communicates with student teacher during actual teaching by means of a miniaturised radio link .
18 The analyses will indicate the degree to which supervising practice matches the expectations of students .
19 In her catalogue introduction Alexandra Noble notes the extent to which installation art , using hybrid forms , has come to represent a challenge to the modernist emphasis on the purity of the particular medium .
20 That 's really service on which teaching service on which you have paid contributions .
21 The report did , in fact , identify ways in which teaching skills could be assessed .
22 It has practical significance , because much of the work within the programme has shown how the total curriculum experience — of which teaching methods are a part — affects the strategies which students adopt .
23 In which case bliss was it to be soft-peddling on EMU , EMS , German reunification ( 10 to 15 years ) and the Karl Marx Memorial Social Charter .
24 So the two investments generate the same return if both PPP and the international Fisher effect hold , in which case exchange rate risk is unimportant .
25 Under 25%Very limited influence unless constituting the single largest shareholding and is also not substantially less than 25% in which case influence may be significant
26 It should also be noted that older policies can include partial disablement cover in which case reference will be required to the policy for details .
27 The water being pumped from the Dead Sea by existing machinery could contain lower concentrations of minerals , in which case water will have to be pumped from a greater depth ( perhaps 70 m ) where mineral concentrations will remain high .
28 In a nutshell , it is argued that either Van Valen 's results show linearity with time , which is held to be biologically without significance , or most do not , in which case Van Valen 's ‘ law ’ breaks down .
29 He strongly implies that this loophole could allow him to resume the case after elections , in which case Andres Valenzuela could be a key witness .
30 There are rumours that the BIHA will split the play-off groups on a north and south basis , in which case Chelmsford would not be coming up against Trafford again — which is good news .
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