Example sentences of "[that] this may " in BNC.

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1 And the reverse of that , wrote Harsnet , the feeling that all we have already felt and seen and heard has yet to happen , is so far only a dream , a fantasy , and the sense , he wrote , that this may be a feeling we experience again and again throughout our lives , that the elements of experience have failed to catch on to the glass of our lives , or that the glass is there and waiting for the experience to be registered , that it can wait for ever , for it does not know the meaning of time .
2 Ninagawa feels that this may be easier for a Japanese director .
3 But LFF evidence tends to corroborate suggestions that this may be because such film-making is just not very good at the moment .
4 This theory has it that , as a breed , doctors like to be masters of every possible situation , and that this may even be a factor in their selection of medicine as a career .
5 Hungarians understand perfectly well that this may be due to internal Romanian reasons — the Romanian army had played some part in the initial repression in Timisoara , but since it joined the rebellion this fact has been conveniently forgotten .
6 Its National Recovery Programme , a document of unreconstructed Keynesianism , provides the wrong cure — higher government spending — while fatally ignoring the negative effect that this may have on interest rates .
7 The success of the auctions is certain to convince many building societies that this may be one of the best ways to unload the vast numbers of repossessed properties they hold .
8 They suggest that this may be through the perceived control an individual has over his goals , as compared to that when goals are externally assigned .
9 However , it is strongly rumoured that this may be sometime in the early part of 1992 , when some amendments to the Building Regulations are to be introduced .
10 The danger in quoting fragments of their writings out of context is that this may distort their intention and produce a static picture .
11 Astronomical evidence suggests that this may have occurred in the first half of the year 5 BC .
12 I suspect that this may reflect the thought of the Secretary of State , in his insistence on retaining A levels as constituting a ‘ standard of excellence ’ .
13 We fail to make the connection that this may be a consequence of low income .
14 However , plasma triglycerides were elevated in the diabetic animals soon after the induction of the disease and the authors speculated that this may have contributed to the development of the platelet and vessel-wall changes .
15 If this does occur there is a danger that womens ' movements will be blamed for the rise in the female crime rate , and that this may be used to argue against further female emancipation .
16 This chapter , however , is only concerned with the introduction of LMS and the effects that this may have on schools .
17 NOTE Some people deliberately restrict their intake of fluid , thinking that this may prevent urinary incontinence .
18 It is possible that this may be a little reduced by budgetary adjustment , ’ he told a gathering of French researchers and administrators on the Cote d'Azur .
19 While programmers have not been able to do that the results they have achieved suggest that this may not be such a good idea .
20 However , their results show that this postnatal reduction in receptor levels is less marked in women who suffer from maternity blues , and it is suggested that this may be the cause of the depression .
21 Ruth Muschel and her colleagues at the US National Cancer Institute and at Yale , reporting this discovers in Science ( vol 219 , p 853 ) , suggest that this may mean that some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour .
22 Experience suggests that this may not be long enough to detect changes in the baby 's symptoms — although some babies recover within 24 hours of the mother eliminating offending foods from her diet , others can take many days , sometimes as much as two weeks , for their colic to settle down .
23 If your baby is being fed with cow 's milk or cow's-milk formula feed , and you suspect that this may be the cause of the symptoms , then ask the doctor to prescribe a ‘ milk-free ’ formula .
24 The fact that this may take centuries is of little importance , for mankind has limitless time if it uses it wisely .
25 Mr. Leggatt said that 75 percent of funerals locally were cremations — higher than the national average — and he speculated that this may be because of the lack of cemeteries in the area .
26 I recognise that this may not go as far as librarians would wish .
27 ( No one , of course , believes that the Liberal Democrats can do any more than secure a hung parliament — but there is a very real possibility that this may happen and they are therefore a force to be considered .
28 It is , however , worth noting that the number of public companies , and their proportion of the total number of companies , is significantly higher in other member states , so that this may in time be of concern to a UK company with a subsidiary in another member state .
29 Others have paid their full-time church planters a proper salary but have felt that there is a limit to the number of times that this may be possible .
30 ‘ On the other hand , you also need to make them feel that this may be their one chance to make a record — and they 'd better work pretty hard to make sure it sounds good . ’
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