Example sentences of "[that] this will " in BNC.

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1 It is probable that this will have much to offer .
2 She is sure that this will settle them for the foreseeable future .
3 If you put your tailplane on first , you might say , quite rightly , that this will not happen with your equipment .
4 That this will require some radical reflexivity on the part of the insider is obvious , for it is almost inevitable that his revelations will not only create some discomfort for himself , but will almost certainly be unwelcome .
5 That this will not do is what I have just argued .
6 It is planned that this will start in the year 1993–94 .
7 The left-wing MP for Bolsover 's term as party chairman ends tomorrow , but no one believes that this will lower the profile of one of Labour 's most colourful and respected figures .
8 The Panel must be hoping that this will be an end to the matter .
9 Their three-year run of 17 Test wins equals the All Black record , and it takes no great clairvoyant skill to predict that this will be broken against Wales on 4 November and extended against Ireland a fortnight later .
10 In the hospitals , for example , a Minister of Health who is trying to do his duty must aim at increasing the corporate sense , morale and public esteem of the service , because he knows that this will be one of the ways of raising standards .
11 It is likely that this will make him more tired than usual and so we might guess that he will sleep longer .
12 It is tempting to say that this will make no difference .
13 Or it can negotiate a new deal with the Justice Department — with no guarantee that this will be any more acceptable to Judge Holland .
14 There is no guarantee that this will last : the foreigners were selling again last week .
15 They claim that this will ‘ break the harmful power of the nuclear family ’ and they have given the Government until next Friday to agree . ’
16 Critics argue that the whole point of this offence is to provide protection for young girls , and that this will be undermined if it is open to men to seek an acquittal on the ground that the girl looked 16 .
17 It is not likely , however , that you will obtain too many vitamins from food and that this will prove problematic ; the danger nearly always arises when a person takes too many vitamin tablets .
18 It may be that this will gradually work through and become apparent in the activists in about five years .
19 I have a feeling that this will be our last meeting . ’
20 Alas , there is little reason to be optimistic that this will develop into an influential enough movement to provoke radical change .
21 ‘ The critical point here is that this will not only affect high income earners but all people owning property .
22 There has been a strong hint that this will be the last competitive Masters for Arnold Palmer , 63 , and it could be the last time we see the jaunty 90-year-old Gene Sarazen , and Sam Snead , 80 in May , lead off the event with a ceremonial nine holes .
23 ‘ I do n't pretend that this will ever be a Labour seat , but at least we can force the opposition to work harder , give them a run for their money , ’ he said .
24 The tournament moves to Wembley today and Wright believes that this will prove to be to her advantage because the Perspex court is better suited to her slower style of play .
25 The predictions are that this will go further to encompass accident and emergency , maternity and even psychiatry .
26 ‘ I 'm proud that this will be done , not only in Father 's memory but to remind us of how the stories came to be . ’
27 Members of the European Parliament have endorsed EC Commission plans for an ‘ immense ’ programme for testing chemicals for their environmental risks — but they fear that this will lead to a proliferation of tests involving animals .
28 The report suggests that Europe 's universities , which were the venues for the bulk of research biochemical use in 1990 , will find that this will decline due to limited funding and greater emphasis on teaching .
29 ‘ Why , look ye , Rogues , d'ye think that this will do ?
30 It can be assumed that this will eventually bottom out to include only those children whose handicap is so great that they require constant medical supervision of a highly sophisticated nature .
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