Example sentences of "[that] this would " in BNC.

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1 The question in this situation is , would the pilot have recognised that this would not have been possible if the aircraft had been 50 feet lower ?
2 Industry observers fear that this would be another nail in the coffin of the independent record industry .
3 Nothing in Swannell 's direction of his play persuades you that this would not have been a better home for Marrakech .
4 The experiment gave every indication that this would be possible and was a great technical success — but when the elected representatives were asked to agree a city-wide scheme , they voted against it .
5 ‘ Absolute horror , and then recognition that it had gone to the parents at the school for which I was responsible , and that this would inevitably result in the headmaster being approached by some parents objecting to having their child in a school with a warden like this .
6 Announcing that Scottish companies and local authorities had raised more than £230,000 , George Hunter , the Games Council secretary , said that this would allow the time limit for achieving qualifying standards to be extended to the end of December .
7 He is not persuaded that this would be the effect .
8 It was hoped that this would result in better co-operation from local administrators and party members in the supply of labour and fuel , etc .
9 Mrs Thatcher was determined that this would not happen to her .
10 Clearly the RAF would be happy to show me their trophy-winners — while my cunning instincts told me that this would be the best place to do food-tasting !
11 The Church of England Newspaper said , unkindly , that the weakest part of the Lambeth Conference of 1958 was its report on the Bible ; and that this would have been an excellent report for a Lambeth Conference of 1858 not 1958 .
12 He knew that this would disturb Archbishop Fisher , which he did not wish to do .
13 It therefore required no feat of prophecy to assert that long before the twentieth century was out , the United Kingdom would be a country without empire and not in the front rank in size and power , and yet that this would not be synonymous with disaster , dishonour or extinction .
14 That this would n't happen , except it had the consent , sometimes — and I fear Nick Ridley fell into this — it wobbled over except aft — into — after consultation .
15 Convinced that the danger of the end of Christian society was at hand and that this would lead to the collapse of civilization , Eliot viewed London more in terms that contemporary Christians used to view Africa .
16 While this made eminent sense for production efficiency in wartime , it was very much apparent to the British that this would give the United States a natural advantage when the war ended .
17 The British and other European countries knew that this would allow US airlines to fly from the USA , pick up passengers in Britain or in Europe , and fly on to any other destination , which would mean complete US domination of civil aviation .
18 This was coupled to a policy of discouraging as far as possible even British imports into the colonies on the grounds that this would divert Britain 's exports from dollar to soft currency areas like the colonies , ’ and hence the accumulation of colonial sterling balances .
19 These companies all had able and high-calibre people who knew their respective businesses very well , but his objective was to inject his own ideas into the decision-making process in the hope that this would produce an added beneficial dimension .
20 The specifics are n't clear , but the contextual indications are that this would include American art from say , Pollock to André , not to mention a range of contemporary work on commodification stemming from Warhol .
21 The extra hour of daylight in the winter evenings that this would mean would also be accompanied by an extra hour of darkness in the winter mornings .
22 He also believed that the proprietor should be the arbitrator of how the proposals operated , but that this would not undermine the role of the Press Council as final arbitrator .
23 It was always likely that this would happen again this year , given that the Walker Cup team were making history whereas Faldo , for all his brilliance , was the second Briton and the fourth European in the Eighties to win at Augusta .
24 David had originally made a demo with John Hutchinson , a demo which had been taken to Philips who were releasing in this country for Mercury Records in America , and they all agreed that this would be the first single under that contract . ’
25 I imagine that this would be a good finger exercise for resting concert pianists — after the first few minutes my digits were dead !
26 The Treasury calculated that this would allow interest rates to tumble , which would revive demand .
27 The notion of quotas has angered the Central Council for Jews in Germany , whose chairman , Heinz Galinski , has said that this would represent a sinister form of selection .
28 But no minister should suppose that this would provide a painless solution , for the government would have to raise its own taxes dramatically .
29 Mr Breeden does not want Congress to give him new law — and subject his agency to the crossfire of vested interests that this would involve — until the courts have tested whether existing law is sufficient .
30 I believe that this would lead to a better service and improved facilities for the public .
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