Example sentences of "[that] this is " in BNC.

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1 I feel that this is reflected not just in the increased knowledge of the students but also in a change of attitude and a few greater degrees of empathy . ’
2 Though it must be remembered that this is no a priori scheme imposed upon the appearances , but rather an interpretation gradually distilled from them by prolonged contemplation .
3 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
4 The reader who believes he is learning things about Imperial Ethiopia may be equally inclined to tell himself that this is a country of the mind , constructed on principles not very different from those of the Samuel Johnson who devised , for the Abyssinia of Rasselas , just representations of general truths and of a common humanity .
5 Excellent use is made of the text of Tom Jones , but it is now less detectable that this is a writer who has done his stint of teaching English literature at university level .
6 By now , the reader may be on his way to deciding that this is the better world of the two , and to wondering if the poet is trying to get his own back .
7 There can be no claim that this is what Roth really thinks : the affidavit that might have been contained in The Facts has been withheld .
8 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
9 Remember that this is an intimate scene with Jessica , and you should identify her clearly throughout .
10 It is likely that this is caused not by having less religious education , but by the fact that they tend to be peopled by children of classes who have traditionally fewer links with the church , and include parents making active decisions to keep their children out of the clergy 's grasp .
11 It must be a measure of my confidence , he wrote , that I can now say , in these notes , without any kind of trepidation , that this is the major project of my life , that beside it the rest pales into insignificance , if it was not insignificant anyway , beside it or anything else .
12 The pretence that this is not so is what makes me sick , he wrote , when I look at the works of the past .
13 Sense that this is now or never time , he wrote .
14 Is it an illusion to imagine that this is a merely modern phenomenon ? he wrote .
15 Present-day reality is that pub deaths far exceed births , and the signs are that this is an accelerating process .
16 As the only catering industry representative on this working party , I would be interested to hear from any companies which have any experience , or knowledge of any examples , which make them feel that this is an area that needs to be examined quickly and subjected to public debate .
17 If towing is permitted with only a wing-tip man , it is vital that the pilots all recognise that this is only safe if the ground is more or less level and the wind is very light .
18 Although it is obviously accurate to call an incipient spin a stall with a wing-drop , I think that this is trying to avoid the issue , which is that it is really the beginning of a spin and at least a potential spin .
19 I believe that this is because they do everything so well that they do not get excessive pitching movements in their training stall recoveries .
20 Surprising though it may seem , although it is now well established that this is a serious problem with gliding , it is almost unknown in power flying circles or in the Air Force and it is taking many years to convince authorities .
21 This must of necessity put you in a very weak defensive position and I would maintain that this is responsible for losing more bouts than any other factor .
22 ( One caveat : I am not saying that this is the only necessary experiential condition for objectivity : it is , though , the one which highlights the importance of action most clearly in differentiating the objective from the subjective within the stream of experience . )
23 Not , the constructivist argues , by the enrichment of perceptual input ( in any case the evidence tells us that this is already rich ) : only through action itself .
24 The constructivist answer might be that this is behaviour guided by the input systems , with the added assumption that the behavioural expectation of resistance does not entail knowledge of continuing existence — of a continuing object of thought .
25 Maybe the reader 's first thought an experiment of my own showed that this is not misinterpretation in any simple sense .
26 And the finding that it takes 400 msec to generate the electrical activity associated with the meaning of visually presented words suggests that this is one of the most complex activities our perceptual systems are asked to perform .
27 We are so used to hearing talk about the nervous system ‘ encoding ’ the outside world that it is easy to forget that this is a metaphor and it is one that has no place in serious philosophical discussion of the mind-body problem or the philosophy of perception .
28 I can only volunteer that this is done by designers who have an imperfect understanding of the nature and properties of wood , or who are literally prepared to risk it .
29 Nicholson 's customers are not price sensitive explains Tony , although he stresses that this is different to not expecting value for money .
30 Either way , the problem you describe , combined with the fact that this is your first dog , makes me think you should go back to the RSPCA and ask them to put you in touch with the most suitable , local training club .
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