Example sentences of "[that] make [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is a story of courage and of improvisation that made a nonsense of the enemy 's numerical and material superiority .
2 SIR ANTHONY Hidden QC has omitted one place to lay the blame for the Clapham disaster — the law lords who decided in the ‘ Fares Fair ’ case that an ‘ economic ’ transport system was one that made a profit or broke even on fares charged , rather than one that could expect support from ratepayers or taxpayers .
3 The feel of them brought him back into the attic room , to the confusion that made a few words on a piece of paper into a lifeline .
4 ‘ We were talking about 1968 and 1969 and the songs that changed the face of country music — Sunday Morning Coming Down , Boy Named Sue , Lay Lady Lay , Both Sides Now — someone said they were songs that made a difference .
5 In chapter four below , there will be an examination of her poetry to demonstrate what sorts of books Leapor read , and especially those that made a strong impact on her work .
6 And yet this is the kind of thing that made a fortune for Dr Tarnower and is , in its way , replicated in all diet books : this mixture of ruthlessness , optimism and fatuity .
7 The new calendar , now known as the ‘ Young-Avestan calendar ’ appears to have been adopted in the reign of Cambyses ' great successor Darius I. The most thorough and plausible investigation of the date of its introduction is that made a few years ago by the distinguished historian of ancient astronomy the late Willy Hartner of Frankfurt University .
8 As she hurried over the rough track that made a short cut between her aunt 's cottage and the farmhouse where Angela lived , Cheryl 's eye was caught by a splash of colour on the far side of the field .
9 And he was the only lecturer who would admit that he 'd changed his mind about something since the last lecture , and that made a great impression on me .
10 Nor the samples that the postman has kindly left on the doorstep these last few years , thereby avoiding the abuse I was wont to hurl from the bedroom window at anything that made a noise before 8.30am .
11 Emil beckoned me towards the kitchen end , and I went up there into the small lobby with a serving counter , a space that made a needed gap between the hot glittering galley and the actual dining area .
12 To complete the feeling that we had dreamed up the whole of this year 's Wimbledon , Andre Agassi took the men 's title with a back court display that made a mockery of the only seed that really counts there — the grass seed .
13 The air was fresh and sweet , the river swept along on its way , swelled by the backwash that made a tiny waterfall further along .
14 Powered by roller skates , many of these locomotive dancers were whirling corrugated plastic tubes that made a wooo-wooo sound .
15 He was accustomed to it from his schooldays since his was n't a memory system that made a good impression on harassed teachers or impatient examiners , especially as it did n't work at all with books .
16 But it was not the damage to his hand or the rest of the obvious physical damage that made a tragedy for Tom .
17 We could clean swiftly and efficiently by now , and knew the special little ways that made a lavatory really white , or a tiled floor that bit more gleaming .
18 The woman smiled and nodded at me through the noise that made a surrounding silence .
19 Well I think my mother did a good job but my father was an alcoholic and that 's , that made a difference , not just to him but to the entire family and I think probably to my own children .
20 A survey conducted in the United States in 1981 revealed that directors considered the feature that made a company most attractive as a take-over target was that it had ‘ excellent management ’ and the majority of respondents regarded management inefficiency as something which would actually put them off .
21 It was power alone that made a man attractive .
22 Somewhere among the crags of limestone that made a broad shelf along part of the foin 's lowest slopes .
23 Not simply was a market the only effective mechanism for the exchange of commodities and services in a large-scale modern society ; it was also the foundation of democracy , as it provided the economic independence that made a dictatorship impossible .
24 Carson liked her because she seemed to display the ideal mix of warmth and distance that made a good neighbour .
25 Damp , fragrant veils that made a cool tent around the central space of heat where Rose began to ply the heavy iron .
26 There was something about this part of France that made a powerful appeal to her imagination and emotions .
27 There was a spaciousness and simplicity of line that made a perfect foil for the few touches of vibrant colour that drew the eye , and yet the whole effect was completely uncontrived , as if it had all come together naturally .
28 And that made a big difference to my life .
29 The dogs followed hard on their heels up the deep-treaded , creaking staircase that made a gradual ascent to the first floor .
30 There was something by the shady side of the wardrobe that made a noise .
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