Example sentences of "[that] will have " in BNC.

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1 She has to turn to Thomas J for friendship in a bitter-sweet comedy that 'll have you reaching for the hankies in no time .
2 The MPs are here to scrape the rust off the derelict machinery of government , to recreate the corroded institution that will have to elect a president and produce a government which can impose its rule on Lebanon — and on the militia leaders .
3 The third is that will have singularly little effect , because of industry 's narrow base and uncompetitiveness , revealing our dependence on the deus ex machina of North Sea oil .
4 If you start writing down some of the responses to that question , you will find you have along the way acquired a ragbag of elements that will have an important bearing on the design .
5 It is a worry that will have builders scouring this report for ideas , although at £295 a copy it is unlikely that any cost-conscious home owners will take the trouble to read about their prejudices .
6 It was a good contest that will have given the England team manager Geoff Cooke at least one hint about filling the vacant places in his training squad for Lanzarote in the new year .
7 Notably in New England and California , the adjustment between old expectations of ever-better social services , paid for by an ever-growing economy , and the new recessionary reality is a large one that will have to be made quickly .
8 I start , however , by introducing two other features that will have no one laughing .
9 A 73rd-minute goal by substitute Andy Payton helped Middlesbrough to a 2–1 home victory over Oxford United that will have an enormous bearing on the Second Division 's promotion and relegation issues .
10 This is the key to Dorothy Heathcote 's attitude to drama ; may I suggest it is also a key to the re-thinking that will have to be done vis-à-vis the arts and the curriculum .
11 is a story that will have to be told elsewhere . )
12 this apparently buys an exhibition gallery utterly inadequate to host even a moderately-sized show ; a restaurant not large enough to serve both staff and members and be an income-generating venue for the public ; a bookshop that needs twice as much space if it is to be the premier one in England ; library and drawings storage that will mean costly out-housing as soon as the new facility is opened ; and finally — my own personal quibble — a drawings collection that will have lost its allure as a magnet for donor support .
13 It is best reached by continuing along the road , now unenclosed , until near Leck Fell House when a steep scramble up the hillside ends in the company of the three massive cairns that will have plagued the curiosity since they first came in sight earlier .
14 A nail-biter that will have you chewing down to the second knuckle .
15 You want to sacrifice yourself in a bloody revolution that will have no hope of success , and you want to sacrifice hundreds , perhaps thousands of young lives with you !
16 ‘ Then that will have to cease , at least until this emergency passes . ’
17 It is also about opportunity — for communities and individuals — to learn and to continue to learn , a learning that will have economic as well as other human benefit .
18 It is one section of the hobby that will have to be market-driven .
19 Slow play is the other problem for World Cup that will have to be addressed .
20 Miss Hopkins , a former model , says : ‘ I have tried to create a line of very smart and very wearable clothes that will have wide appeal . ’
21 VETERANS of England 's last strife-torn Test series in India eight years ago have warned of the dangers and sacrifices that will have to be faced if Lord 's insist on going ahead with an 11-week tour at the end of this month .
22 Detractors of what has been achieved so far in Docklands , 10 years after the LDDC 's inception , fail to remember that there is one other artery into the area that will have a positive effect on commercial property : the underground road tunnel known as the Limehouse Link , which is expected to open in about eight months ' time , eliminating tedious congestion at Tower Bridge and Wapping .
23 As we are time-travellers we can peer into the future and notice that it is the professional class that will have the last laugh ; for the ‘ bourgeoisie ’ ( as Marx called them ) took over from the gentry .
24 It is groups from such backgrounds that will have the greatest need of counselling .
25 Before 9.15 , phrases that will have been used include : ‘ a lethal dose of my love rod ’ ; ‘ young girls ’ love juices ’ ; ‘ a good fist-fucking ’ ; ‘ all your fudge-packing ’ ; ‘ the mark of a man across your bun ’ ; ‘ most people have carried your hand baggage ’ ; ‘ he 's recovering from a rogering in the toilet ’ and ‘ he 's pouring a hand shandy in the car park ’ .
26 Following a break in nursing practice there may be an understandable hesitation and anxiety about returning because of the inevitable changes that will have taken place .
27 Still , Phil Danaher , the new Irish captain , knows the mountain that will have to be climbed .
28 It is abundantly clear from Reynolds 's findings that schools can adopt certain strategies that will have a positive influence on pupil behaviour .
29 Micro Focus decided to implement the object-oriented paradigm in a product that will have many of the features of the completed standard and that will become fully ANSI-compliant when the standard emerges .
30 Germany is at last waking up to the what has been clear to outsiders for the past year or so , that there is going to be no quick fix to the recession it is facing and that it will be long and grinding : this week the BDI industrial federation admitted that the downturn could develop into Germany 's worst recession since the end of World War II , saying that the western German economy will continue to decline , and the fall will be deeper than previously thought , so that in important sectors such as the capital goods industry the downturn will represent a new post-war record ; the body blames weak foreign demand for German goods , the now over-valued mark and rising costs for German industry and now admits it is the result of structural problems that will have long-term economic effects .
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