Example sentences of "[that] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The accompanying article stated that many UNTAC officials saw the hardline Khmer Rouge position as designed to undermine its rivals " in a long-term strategy that looks beyond the [ May 1993 ] election period and is aimed ultimately at a unilateral seizure of power " .
2 At the very least , the exhibition provides food for thought : as the 21st century nears , do we really want architecture that looks as if it was built in the 18th ?
3 My friend , however , possessed a Toyota Hilux four-wheel-drive pick-up truck , and there can be no better vehicle in which to trespass than one that looks as if it would get your daughter pregnant and drink all your beer .
4 It costs £100000 a minute to produce top quality graphics , on a computer system costing £10 million , so the people paying do not want something that looks as if it was shot with a camera for a few thousand pounds .
5 A mountain that looks as if it was designed by the ancient Egyptians , instead of by God , and his advisers !
6 ‘ Such luxurious hair , a face that looks as if it belongs to an angel … but of course , ’ he murmured , ‘ you kiss like an expert . ’
7 Number 12a is a small building that looks as if it might house an unskilled worker with a large family .
8 So I think we have to do them , but I think it is very important that we do not erm , er talk to the , or communicate with the other member authorities in a way that looks as if this is Wiltshire saying , well we want to find a way of flogging off this asset without worrying about what happens to the future of the service .
9 Oh , Stour , the river Stour , yeah , eh , erm , that looks as if he 's that looks as if is
10 Okay well that looks as if that adds up nicely .
11 It 's done nothing to tackle the desperate need for a balanced energy policy that looks at the long-term needs of the country .
12 Why do n't you do a programme that looks at ‘ the story so far ’ .
13 I thought I had some information here on prices I ca n't seem to find it no no , ca n't find it , never , never mind I 've got some figures here that looks at erm the growth in in trade , er it 's quoting , it says between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine the volume of agricultural trade grew by twenty six percent alright , however that was that represented one third of the growth in manufacturers so agricultural trade is rising but it 's rising much less rapidly than manufacturers here are the prices , at the same time , so between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine er food export prices fell the prices actually fell from eleven percent , t , by eleven percent whereas the unit value of manufactured exports , so essentially the prices of manufactured exports rose on average by twenty percent okay so over the , over that period agricultural prices were actually falling in real terms but if we widen erm s the window that we 're looking at , erm , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen er say over the post war period or if we er go back to the beginning of the century , agricultural prices probably have n't fallen erm but relative to manufacturing they certainly have okay .
14 The scholarship that looks into the mind , imagination , and behaviour of slaves is valuable .
15 ‘ My boss is the head of K8 , the MI5 sub section that looks into suspicious resignations and so on .
16 The potentiality of young children must be a concern of any community that looks to the future .
17 They say what they 're seeing from SunSoft Inc right now is a very commercially packaged product that looks to be pretty much a full-blown release but lacks personal computer compatibility or the ability to run Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix software because of the extensions .
18 One small software company that looks to be doing well is Bracknell , Berkshire-based Mantix Systems Ltd , purveyor of the Cascade project management system , which runs on all the top five Unix work station facsimiles .
19 This is another area that looks to our future .
20 I think that what what she is in danger of doing is cutting across what the District Council 's doing , we , er and in East Hertfordshire we are running at a , a composting scheme in conjunction with the County at and I , I , I understand that looks to be very promising .
21 The intermediate practice grammar that looks outside the classroom — for learners who want to use their knowledge in REAL situations .
22 There are no character notes of any kind in the text , which is written as a complex rhyming scheme that looks like prose at first glance .
23 ‘ A delightful young lady that looks like a boy .
24 Monaco has produced yet more mirror glass , with a doll 's house Georgian faade , Pakistan something that looks like a pretentious curry house in Southall .
25 Shocking , ghastly ( a man with a scrotum down to his knees , a baby that looks like an egg … ) ,
26 Fashions in dress and diet , ceremonies and customs , art and architecture , engineering and technology , all evolve in historical time in a way that looks like highly speeded up genetic evolution , but has really nothing to do with genetic evolution .
27 There are few more poignant sights than a group of people who are desperate to walk up a mountain , standing with their hands in pockets and feet in slippers , gazing out the window at weather that looks like television interference .
28 OBVERSE : Snapshot of the Coco-de-Mer , an extremely mysterious fruit that looks like a part of the female body and grows only on one island in the Seychelles group .
29 The problem is to generate a pattern that looks like a French flag , that is the first third of the line of cells is blue , the middle third is white , and the last third is red .
30 Dr David Williams of the University of Liverpool argues that the real reason for the push to alternatives is that people will prefer a filling that looks like teeth .
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