Example sentences of "[that] people think " in BNC.

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1 Despite this the market treats Evans like a black sheep with a severe attack of Chancelloritus — the disease that afflicts any company that people think will be affected by the Chancellor 's high interest rate policies .
2 One of the classic findings of media research in British election campaigns is Trenaman and McQuail 's ( 1961 ) assertion that ‘ the evidence strongly suggests that people think about what they are told … but at no level do they think what they are told ’ .
3 ‘ It is a mistake to assume that people think .
4 I have a wonderful coat ( so shiny that people think it has been boot polished ! ) .
5 May feels that one of the biggest problems in old age is that people think of you as all the same .
6 ( Have you noticed how the Christians on TV are usually the ‘ wet ’ ones , like Harold in Neighbours — it 's no wonder that people think ALL Christians are wet ! )
7 And he hates the fact that people think that , too .
8 The reason HP is rated ‘ difficult to arrange ’ by more people than other credit types is not that people think it would be more difficult to arrange , but that people generally were quicker to apply any comments to it presumably because it has a more prominent image for them .
9 I think it 's just because of our image that people think we 're sexist because people are a bit intimidated really .
10 I 've had it all said to me : I 've got no bottle and stamina ; and I do n't think it 's a bad thing that people think black players have got no bottle .
11 It 's a useful way of getting a perspective on the present , to realize that people think and feel in such different ways , in totally alien ways , that are completely unsympathetic , which is why feminism is an interesting development , because the ability to read something written in a totally patriarchal tradition , and to make the sympathetic adjustment , giving him his due , recognizing that he could n't have thought what you think , because people did n't think like that then … .
12 By the way , this was the period when I could to a milk shop for a hape'orth of milk , but it 's not the halfpenny that people think now , cos the currency 's been altered quite a lot , it was very trifling , but it 's true .
13 ‘ I 'm a storyteller , and so I can show readers that people think in a certain way , and suggest to readers that under those circumstances they might thing in the same way .
14 I learnt that people think it is very important to have money and to come from a good family .
15 The first thing that people think of is that poor little fox being chased after by lots of dogs , and those little birds being shot by big guns .
16 Do not actually provide the protection that people think .
17 The Minister is right to say that people think of themselves as Yorkshiremen or Durhamers or Teessiders rather than Tynesiders .
18 I value the fact that people think I 'm mature in my work .
19 Though my guess is that it is very unfashionable , is that right Dawn , that people think that ?
20 Even very young children are aware that people think differently , and as they get older they need a model of how to discuss differences honestly without papering over the cracks .
21 So they reckon that after about ten minutes if people have n't been involved we have n't thrown out a question or something like that people start thinking about other things and there 's been actually a bit of er analytical research on this that shows that people think about three things after about ten minutes they just switch off .
22 so there obviously is n't the need and the demand that people think
23 This is the way that people think , people reason .
24 One is that people think that watering down is the same as popularization .
25 A lot of modern art has tended to be that way , often abstract art , that people think is meaningless , is in fact full of very serious messages if only people are willing to listen to them .
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