Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 A film is made up of a series of shots that may be photographed over various periods of time ; a ‘ take ’ that may have originally started out as three or four minutes in length may eventually be edited to a ten second shot .
2 Here is a selection of speeches for both men and women that may be recommended for auditions at drama schools .
3 So do n't hesitate to ask them about anything that may be worrying or puzzling you .
4 There are two methods of emergency contraception — a pill that can be used up to 72 hours after intercourse and an IUD method that may be fitted within five days .
5 Bleaching : is a process that may be necessary , either to remove stains caused by weathering , ink or water , or if the article that is to be finished is required in a lighter shade .
6 Stick the stencil in position using masking tape and cover any areas around the designs that may be accidentally brushed with colour
7 Adult classes , in fact , require exceptionally good teaching , of a kind that may be remote from the professional ideals of many presentday academics .
8 Wesker might be accused of being somewhat subjective about the play , a charge that may be repeated as the producer of his own work .
9 The decision to expand outside national boundaries is therefore usually taken at some later stage in their development , and this section reviews the factors that may be taken into account in arriving at a decision which fundamentally alters the nature and scope of a company 's activities .
10 He believes that talk of the so-called ‘ post-industrial society ’ is raising some unnecessary fears that may be causing some talented managers to have second thoughts about aspiring to a top job .
11 Mr Stan Hardy , the league 's new director-general , said yesterday that anybody could ask for material that may be held on them .
12 We should park a little of our funds in those societies either tipped to convert to a public company or ripe for takeover to benefit from any freebies that may be on offer .
13 Bierwurst is a large German sausage that may be pork or pork and beef , has a fine texture and is usually spiced with peppercorns and white mustard seed .
14 But if the negotiators do allow them to fail after all , or if the United States Congress rejects any compromise that may be worked out during the next two months , the effects will be disastrous .
15 Mr Jencks concludes that to search for a comprehensive policy to tackle the underclass is a waste of time ; different policies are needed for different problems that may be only loosely related .
16 in such a condition , there is no place for industry ; because the fruit thereof is uncertain : and consequently no culture of the earth ; no navigation , nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea ; no commodious buildings ; no instruments of moving , and removing , such things as require much force ; no knowledge of the face of the earth ; no account of time ; no arts ; no letters ; no society ; and which is worst of all , continual fear , and danger of violent death ; and the life of man , solitary , poor , nasty , brutish , and short .
17 The only element that may be called modern , or contemporary , is the training , the direction , the motive .
18 This finality makes it proper to regard death as the most serious harm that may be inflicted on another , and to regard a person who chooses to inflict that harm as the most culpable of offenders , in the absence of some excuse or justification .
19 When he attacked the Army , the Secretary , Robert Stevens , offered his services to Tail Gunner Joe ‘ to assist you in correcting anything that may be wrong ’ and ended up offering to resign .
20 Either way , the general guidelines for healthy eating stay the same , it is just the quantities of food that may be different .
21 These are seen as essential and other parts of the party 's platform are negotiable : things that may be changed in order to increase popular support for the party .
22 Yet we all of us swim between the outside world and the internal , trying to look at ourselves from the outside and also looking from the inside at the world , having a sense of ourselves and how we look that may be variable and dependent on many things — mood , confirmation from others , self-esteem , changing trends in what is considered attractive .
23 Harmonic lines are most commonly in two forms : ( 1 ) Parallels that may be straight , or curves of similar radius , concentric curves or mixtures of these .
24 About wet conditions that may be dangerous but give rise to regeneration , and scorched ones that appear daunting but may lead to growth . ’
25 This at least will tend to improve informal quality control and provide the care and attention to the goals of the work that may be missing from contract analysis .
26 This consultative document explains the regulations and describes the making of an assessment and the measures that may be taken to remove or reduce the risk of injury .
27 Deliveries arrive from Switzerland on Monday and Friday each week so any materials that may be required in bulk or larger than normal stock quantities will be delivered within 7–10 days .
28 Experienced travellers will know that the chances of these matters affecting your holiday are small , but at Club 18–30 we believe the the first time traveller should be prepared for some of the differences that may be encountered abroad .
29 Only by understanding these basic factors can managers appreciate the context before decisions can be made about appropriate technology and other factors that may be needed to deliver the system .
30 Any room and meal supplements that may be applicable are payable in full .
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