Example sentences of "[that] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 so that or you might just have erm say you had biscuits and your mum was going to give you biscuits and you 've got two friends round .
2 There 's several chapters convincing you that your kid really needs a computer at home ( but you know that or you would n't have bought the book ! ) and there 's a danger of ending up convincing yourself that your offspring could become educationally subnormal unless you get a computer immediately .
3 Foreign scholars as well as foreign diplomats found to their surprise that where they had been led to expect barbarity , they found civilization and love of learning ; for Giovanni Ferreri , who settled in the abbey of Kinloss , close to the university of Aberdeen , Girolamo Aleandro , teacher of Greek and Hebrew at Paris , and Girolamo Cardano , physician of Milan , Scottish scholars were welcome members of the academic community of Europe .
4 Reception staff at hotels are often instructed that where they feel cautious about a prospective guest 's ability to pay the final bill , payment shall be requested in advance .
5 Woil had told him that where they flew golden eagles would be near .
6 Do your kids go up to School then is that where they went ?
7 If the parties , when they wish something to be made of the essence , say so in terms , then obviously it is of the essence if they do say so , and the probability is , that where they do not say so , it is not intended to be of the essence ( Amherst v Walker ( James ) Goldsmith & Silversmith Ltd ( 1980 ) 254 EG 123 ) .
8 The Guidance says that where they intend " to limit the way in which a parent meets his responsibility this should be discussed with the parent and incorporated in the plan of arrangements for the child whilst in care so that it may be subject to periodic review " ( para 3.68 ) .
9 It it 's obviously wrong that where they have had access , lawful or otherwise , that the that they should n't be interfering with the rights and the ability of the walkers to walk along that route .
10 Research that where they 're looking at how to convey the message from advancing and sales and people getting erm interviews getting into jobs what they say what they how they stand even how they 've looked and so on .
11 It was a view , noted the SRU 's chief executive , Bill Hogg , at Murrayfield yesterday , which Ian McGeechan fully endorsed — the Lions ' and Scotland coach contending that where they had not been proved they had not , as yet , been disproved .
12 You 've written one in , that where they 've .
13 I agree that where we 're living at the moment does n't exactly lend itself to being a family home .
14 ‘ Role theory ’ says that where we arrive in society shapes our lives .
15 Mr. Wilberforce and I agree that where we knew one instance of it thirty years ago , there are now a dozen or more . ’
16 Our experience has been that where we are able to admit a person who is dementing we wonder after a couple of days — How did the relatives manage ? b The past 3 years have shown us the myth that exists in many professionals ' minds about relatives pushing an old person into care .
17 This means that where we were does n't exist in the space or time of this universe .
18 Motion one seven seven , of course we accept in principle , that where we have vacancies , permanent vacancies , we should employ direct staff and if possible our members , which we do try to do .
19 So that where we 're at at this point in time .
20 But , that where we went to that pub that time with Geoff , that 's the first time I 've been up there .
21 The reason is that where you get cobwebs , you get spiders — and spiders catch flies !
22 For harmony licks like these you 'll find that where you pick and where you pull off or hammer-on really makes a difference to how the harmony sounds .
23 The essence of diffusionism is that where you find the same or similar techniques you propose the existence of some form of cultural connection or ‘ borrowing ’ , especially when , in the case of material objects , the similarities do not stem automatically from the raw materials used , and where they are reinforced by large numbers of parallel instances .
24 So that was the , the philosophy behind that particular proposal , that where you 've got development works , you take them out of the budget , and the bidding process , and try and get a rolling programme of expenditure and receipts , so that , if that 's approved that would deal with two and three .
25 Erm , the main requirement is , that where you have resources or applied property to discharge your own functions , people come under the then you are at liberty to use those resources where it does n't increase the capacity to do work for other public bodies , but you should neither increase your own capacity to do work with other bodies
26 It 's quite interesting that where you think you 've you 've rung say , Freda or Amber in the evening and you 've had quite a lengthy conversation in , mentally you think that
27 So what is the best way to do , that where you ask the questions , now they did if you could help me out is the when you do one section an you hand all your papers in somebody else marks them
28 Er is that where you talk
29 And the argument that my reformers made against that was simply that where you have a huge number of people who are desperate for jobs , there 's no level below which the wages may not fall , under a free market system .
30 There was , however , an insidious corollary to the belief that God might intervene to save His chosen people and prolong the lives of deserving individuals ; it was that where He did not intervene to save life , those who lost their lives had been found unworthy .
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