Example sentences of "[that] [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 You know that yours are just three out of 12,000 works to be assessed , and that only 1,000 get through .
2 Make sure that yours are fitted with all possible locks and are constructed of unbreakable glass .
3 Check that yours are , and fit replacements if they are damaged or missing .
4 Angela , would somebody from Eastenders er , provoke the kind the cash flow from the industrialists that companies that yours are looking for ?
5 Can I can I just raise a question er to r to clarify the point before I answer your question that I are am I are we to assume that in response to Mr , erm it 's on the record that there 's a er a request to add , clear expression of local preference I by local planning authorities ?
6 It may be true , as Lord Chesterfield claimed , that ‘ whenever he goes … into high life , he grossly mistakes the modes ’ , or , as Walpole did , that his are ‘ pictures of high life as conceived by a book-seller ’ , but Sir Charles Grandison on his country estate nevertheless represents the middle-class idealization of the aristocracy .
7 I think it 's debatable how selfish people really are , particularly when they see that their are short-term selfishness may in fact create long-term problems for themselves , for their children , for their grandchildren , for er other generations and other peoples , and really as I can see it the green message is one of enlightened self-interest .
8 If you find that none are a good match then you are probably including too much detail and are not just selecting the most important features .
9 As a result , there are very few materials which are inert in the body and indeed it may be argued that none are truly inert in this context .
10 It is not obvious to the very young child that a set of objects has the same number of units however those units are arranged ( provided , of , that none are removed or added ) .
11 When it was over the doctor there said , ‘ We 've found four polyps in your colon , and I 'm happy to tell you that none are cancerous . ’
12 The plan also stated : " It is of the utmost importance that all the offrs and particularly senior commanders are rounded up and that none are allowed to escape .
13 The paper concludes that none are satisfactory , and indeed that no statistical method can provide a satisfactory tool for holding schools accountable .
14 The fact that none are so far known in the vicinity of Jelling itself seems to support this idea .
15 He added : ‘ We may decide that all are acceptable , that none are acceptable , that some are acceptable and others not , or that some would only be acceptable with minor modifications . ’
16 You will also be asked to sign a Certificate of Deduction of Tax once a year confirming that you are a UK taxpayer .
17 Likewise , if you wished to make a single gift to ACET of less than £600 then — assuming that you are a taxpayer — you can enable ACET to get the benefit of tax relief by the same Deposited Covenant arrangement .
18 Tell the King that you are concerned about the case of Mohamed Srifi , currently in Kenitra Central Prison , Casablanca , who was arrested in 1974 , tortured , brought to trial in 1977 and jailed for 30 years after a blatantly unfair trial .
19 If you can afford to , it 's generally best to spread your auditions around the drama schools so that you are seen more than once .
20 The question of selection is very personal ; after all , what makes you choose the character that you are going to do ?
21 It does n't mean that your regional accent is going to be bullied out of you , so that you are unable to use it ever again — on the contrary , your accent may in all probability be your most interesting and valuable possession .
22 And do n't imagine that you are too sick to attend classes that you do n't like .
23 The actor is no different , although for some reason it is often thought that you are somehow ready to act , magically , the moment you enter a stage door .
24 But just remember that you are being judged even before you speak a word .
25 Would you say that you are building a reputation in eccentric roles ? necessarily eccentric — that just sounds a gimmick .
26 Now that you are here he will hand and deliver . ’
27 ‘ I think , ’ she said , ‘ that you are about to have your problem solved .
28 Preparing the soil in this way means that you are less likely to suffer from too many plant deaths where the roots of young plants have found it impossible to penetrate the soil .
29 There is no point in reading the ASI and knowing that you are too slow unless you lower the nose to correct it .
30 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
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