Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Not that I wish to say , he wrote , that everything is inevitable , on the contrary , I wish to assert emphatically that nothing is inevitable and nothing was inevitable , neither what I did nor what I thought , neither what I felt nor what I suffered , yet everything was necessary , a necessary beginning and necessary Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) is misleading , since it was only after I had begun that I knew I had begun , while before I had begun , before the 27 July 1967 , there was no beginning , as there was no end , there was no time and there was no freedom from time , only endless cups of coffee , endless cups of tea , endless biscuits and endless bacon sandwiches .
2 Mr George Ryde , TGWU national secretary for civil aviation , said : ‘ Our members are involved in almost every aspect of airport work , and they tell a different story to the public relations myth that nothing is spared in providing passengers with maximum security .
3 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
4 Others resort to theft , and the locals report that nothing is safe .
5 This is not , however , to imply that nothing is different — far from it .
6 A comforting aspect of wildlife watching in Scotland is that nothing is out to eat you .
7 The Boffins take care of him when Betty goes away , and disguised as a dustman , he keeps an eye on Wegg whilst Boffin 's mounds are cleared to see that nothing is stolen .
8 It does not describe reality nor is it sufficient in itself , but applied to religion it means that nothing is true .
9 He showed that nothing is permanent , even our joys , because all things pass and we know it .
10 Otaka ensures that nothing is allowed to detract from the overview , yet he allows his orchestra sufficient freedom to shape phrases affectionately without every suffocating them .
11 Check that nothing is getting hot .
12 Check that the bridge fits snugly back into place and that nothing is preventing it from seating properly ; small gaps at either end of the bridge are common , but the glue will fill these .
13 ‘ I mean that nothing is totally safe .
14 Among the qualities for which Bashó0 's haiku are revered are ‘ a desire to use every instant to the uttermost ; an appreciation of this even in natural objects ; a feeling that nothing is alone , nothing unimportant ; a wide sympathy ; and an acute awareness of relationships of all kinds , including that of one sense to another . ’
15 Remember , too , that nothing is secret in this process .
16 This chamber looks in some ways similar to the alchemical laboratory ( location 72 ) save that nothing is broken here , it 's simply very dusty and cobwebbed .
17 A feeling of loneliness is connected with a feeling that nothing is happening :
18 It made me realize that things need n't be , that nothing is what it seems in life , that there are no rules . ’
19 In the work of Gagnon and Simon , it seems to be suggested that nothing is intrinsically sexual , or rather that anything can be sexualised ( though what creates the notion of ‘ sexuality ’ itself is never answered ) .
20 Note , too , that nothing is said within such analyses about forms of middle-class racism — the discussion pivots around a simple polarization between a ‘ ruling ’ and ‘ working ’ class .
21 Do n't be concerned with the feeling that nothing is " sinking in " but do try and seek out the main points .
22 Rejoicing in the Lord is having the assurance that nothing is ever lost , that nothing is ultimately beyond him and his power .
23 ‘ Well , sir , ’ said Poole , ‘ here we are , and I hope that nothing is wrong . ’
24 The computer keyboard also has its own memory and if the computer is busy doing something else or you type too fast , the last sequence of keystrokes ( usually 16 ) is remembered so that nothing is lost .
25 ‘ But — do n't you realise that nothing is any good unless it is shared ? ’
26 Does my right hon. Friend agree that nothing is more damaging to the fabric of a nation than the failure properly to educate its children ?
27 After the answers that I have given , I do not know how anyone can say that nothing is happening on the matter .
28 Does my right hon. Friend agree that nothing is more insulting to women — whether it is said by women or men — than talk of setting targets for the number of women to be in top posts ?
29 May I inform him , as he has not answered my question , that the same careers service says that nothing has changed and that the same number of young people will not get YTS places , that many of them are fed up with turning up , only to be told that nothing is available and that the continued recession and closures mean that hundreds of them will have nothing to do ?
30 The right hon. Gentleman implies that nothing is being done .
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