Example sentences of "[not/n't] being [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And the party was all the better for not being spoiled by a strike by lecturers which had been threatened earlier in the week .
2 American banks ' loans totalled $157 billion in 1992 , of which one-fifth were not being serviced ; British banks ' lending to property companies alone stood at £37 billion in March 1993 .
3 Thus , for basic civic rights like not being enslaved or imprisoned without trial , people should need only to be people .
4 Women in the 90s believe that their best interests are still not being represented by politicians ; despite all the talk of ‘ women 's charters ’ and changing demographics in their favour , 76% sense a ‘ bias towards men ’ .
5 Unemployment ( question 2 ) was falling slightly , but real jobs are not being created in West Belfast and its environs .
6 THE troops ' intervention in the ambulance strike is not being authorised under the Emergency Powers Act , but under a Whitehall arrangement which enables one department to request ‘ military aid to the civil ministries ’ from the Ministry of Defence and pay the bill afterwards .
7 The S.I.B. , acting under powers conferred by the Financial Services Act 1986 , brought an action against the first and second defendants , two overseas companies , as persons who , not being authorised , carried on investment business in the United Kingdom and caused investors loss .
8 The field is not being extended any further .
9 We also use the word because it has the connotation that the information that we are concerned with is being transferred from environment to enterprise , actually to be used ( good heavens ! ) — by specific users in specific contexts for specific tasks , and is not being transferred just because it seems a nice thing to do .
10 In this case , Her Majesty 's inspectorate is not being transferred and its role will remain the same except that as a public organisation it will be made more independent of the Secretary of State .
11 In childhood , traumas have a sexual and aggressive component , the two not being distinguished by young children — the primal scene , when seen by a child under five , is taken to be an attack by father on mother .
12 While the nursing staff had been keenly following the implementation of the ENP , some of them did not seem to be familiar with my parameters of practice — I sometimes missed patients that I could have treated because they were not being filtered through to me .
13 Perhaps it 's surprising that in some cases the learning outcomes and performance criteria were not being assessed or applied — all the National Certificate publications stress that these features are at the heart of the competence-based system and that they can not be varied under any circumstances .
14 It is clearly impossible to anticipate every eventuality , but the guiding principle must be that if the source of difficulty does not lie in the implementation of a selected strategy and is not being assessed during the conduct of the investigation , then assistance can be given .
15 Subjects were told that the quality or safety of their driving was not being assessed and they were encouraged to drive as normally as possible .
16 BOGOTA ( Reuter ) — The Colombian government said it had rejected an offer last year from drug traffickers to give up the drug trade in exchange for not being extradited to the US , and firmly ruled out any dialogue with the traffickers .
17 So there 's no inconsistency when Dostoevsky says that what is ‘ most important ’ is the ‘ special tone of the narrative ’ whereby ‘ everything will be saved' , and that the tone of the narrative rests in Stavrogin ‘ not being elucidated ’ .
18 The lamps not being lit and the motion of the vehicle can be proved by the observations of a prosecution witness , i.e. usually the constable who reports the offender for summons e.g. ‘ The vehicle 's obligatory lights were not lit and the vehicle was in motion on the road ’ .
19 It does n't here , that 's fine , it 's great here , but , at the bottom because it , it 's not being lit quite so well as the top you 're tending to lose a little bit of quality , especially there .
20 If a trust is UK resident , because the trustees are all resident in the United Kingdom and are non-professional trustees , and then professional trustees are appointed to act in their places , so the situation comes within s69(2) ( the settlor not being domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ) an export charge can arise .
21 This can not be income arising under a settlement , because had the settlor actually been entitled thereto , he would not have had to pay UK tax by reason of his not being domiciled , resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
22 She passed on up the street liking and not being detained by the people there and reached her house .
23 Clytemnestra thinks her mad because her exasperation at not being understood or believed drives Cassandra to a hysterical frenzy of gestures and grimaces ( Agamemnon , lines 1061–5 ) .
24 I am not taking an easy road and that I risk not being understood by many fellow countrymen , " he wrote , " but this is the only road I can follow in conscience .
25 She sniffed , and smiled a bit , but not too much because if there is one thing worse than someone who does n't understand you it 's someone who understands perfectly , before you 've had a chance to have a good pout about not being understood .
26 The disappointment of not being selected for Rosemary 's Baby had merely made him more determined to change his life .
27 However , in saying that there are a few Irish players who will be disappointed at not being selected .
28 We have been in business a long time and not being selected by one particular country is not going to have a significant effect on us at all . ’
29 Furthermore , new teachers were not being trained fast enough to replace the trained teachers who were leaving the profession .
30 For a new SPR which is not being based on an existing SPR , LIFESPAN will provide four fields in which you may make an entry if required , as described below ; it is recommended that they are completed as they provide some useful basic information .
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