Example sentences of "[not/n't] just another " in BNC.

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1 It was a recurring motif in the Newbolt Report , echoed by Leavis , that English was not just another school or university subject , to be placed alongside geography or geology .
2 But in this respect , at least , English in the English academy , as Leavis liked to emphasize , is not just another subject .
3 There are developers for whom a building is not just another source of profit and who want to be good patrons .
4 Michael Meacher , Labour 's employment spokesman , last night said : ‘ The formula is not just another in the long line of bureaucratic barriers which prevent the unemployed claiming benefit .
5 They were relieved to find that this was not just another ‘ Communist trick ’ .
6 Harriet turns pale at the news that the PM is not just another terrifying old witch from a fairy tale .
7 Messrs Lee and Lee welcome the prospect of Mr Patten 's appointment : the Democrat on the grounds that ‘ he is not just another appeasing sinologist from the Foreign Office ; the conservative because ‘ he carries more weight than the others mentioned , and he has direct access to No 10 ’ .
8 All the negative states of emotion drain our energy — ‘ Do n't go to bed with a quarrel ’ is not just another saying , as our state of sleep is affected adversely by the quarrel .
9 Farming is not just another business .
10 He looked at her appraisingly as if , for the first time , it had occurred to him that Kelly Connor was not just another apprentice , but a woman .
11 He is not just another prophet , He is the Emmanuel , God-with-us .
12 ‘ This is not just another retro classic to be purchased as decorative furniture by nostalgia buffs , ’ say Matamp .
13 This lambast , which occurs at the beginning of the novel , is not just another Jacobsonian account of the too easy reverence paid to writers of ‘ magic realism ’ .
14 Maastricht is personal to him , it is not just another policy .
15 THE enormous turn-out of marchers in Berlin yesterday was not just another demonstration .
16 Not just another moisturiser , Time Zone is a true dry skin treatment that addresses , for the first time , the multiple , dermatological causes of dry skin — as well as the results .
17 Not just another pretty face
18 Furthermore , it believes it is not just another personal computer provider , saying that it ca n't simply ‘ be compared with someone like Compaq ’ — it prefers to be thought of as a supplier of personal systems .
19 Connery is not just another actor who helps the party , another Ben Elton or John Cleese .
20 The second round goes to the organisation because this is not just another shop .
21 Art is not just another subject which must be taught , it is a part of every other subject taught .
22 This is not just another essay , nor is it a PhD thesis .
23 It is not merely that they are not just another class of public phenomena ; it is through nothing but experiences themselves that such phenomena become objects for us .
24 And treat it as an outdoor room , not just another part of a garden .
25 The male garden spider Araneus diadematus will vibrate a strand of the female 's web as he approaches her , to let her know that he is not just another small insect caught in the web .
26 She 's not just another trollop and she 's obviously concerned about her father . ’
27 It was second nature to weigh up a situation and draw conclusions but this was not just another news story , this was different .
28 I keep forgetting that you 're not just another minion , like me . ’
29 This is intended to publish a wide range of action research and related studies , with the aim of making their outcomes widely available and exemplifying the variety of possible styles of reporting ( ie not just another narrow , jargon-laden talking shop for academics ) .
30 Perhaps he was not just another male ogre , after all .
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