Example sentences of "[not/n't] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Victorine protested that she did not need a new scarf and that green was not her colour .
2 Well — perhaps white was simply not her colour .
3 She was a good critic , despite her egocentricity , and decided briskly and miserably that writing was not her métier .
4 But , so far away , might not her anxiety lighten , take on some perspective ?
5 Iritnefert was not her daughter .
6 He was inclined to believe her : her anger was a natural reaction to his accusation that she had been prying into data which was not her concern .
7 She thought that what he had said was likely to be either partially or totally untrue , but it was not her concern .
8 He glanced towards Rain but she took the lofty view that bribing security men was not her concern .
9 Grief was not her concern .
10 She had been persistent , and after all it was not her concern .
11 She moved to switch out the light , forgetting that it was not her lamp that glowed on the bedside table , but he caught her arm , oh-so-very-gently , this time .
12 Mona had missed the news and the Announcer reading some late information as a postscript was not her favourite .
13 She feels that their culture is not her culture , and they have had many arguments about the way she dresses ; in particular a recent , violent one about wanting to cut her hair .
14 And , by best interests , as you know , I mean her studies , not her love life . ’
15 Turn up at the editor 's office ( not her Gailness , I assure you ) , demonstrate a new Windows software package to do with health and safety , go away .
16 She told me this with her lips , not her voice .
17 There was a cry followed by an awful groan , but it was not her voice .
18 ‘ You are all the same , ’ ’ he said , imitating not her voice but its angry cadence .
19 His mother sat ready , having changed her cap but not her dress .
20 ‘ Our ’ health visitor was not going to be there after all because it was not her turn to do this session .
21 She must have been born before his return to Ayrshire but whether or not her name was changed is not known .
22 She had prepared her new age , if not her name .
23 Beneath the photograph was printed not her name , but a sobriquet , a common practice — Mrs Langtry was always know as ‘ The Jersey Lily ’ .
24 That 's not her name !
25 Her sins pursued her but I was not her judge . ’
26 It 's not her tit I want you to grab , it 's her attention .
27 Whether or not her warning was genuine , she had come boldly to his room to ask for his escort to Winchester .
28 Jane withdrew , not her presence , but her mind , as a tortoise withdraws its head .
29 She could not go back , because we had disposed of the business , along with her tools and much of her furniture , but not her fender , which would arrive at Hale-wood in due course .
30 Not that one , ’ he pointed at Flavia , ‘ that 's not her problem yet . ’
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