Example sentences of "[not/n't] all were " in BNC.

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1 Not all were as moderate as Somerset 's , with its stress on equality ; the title of one of the others , Nicholas Bodrugan 's Epitome of the title that the Kynges Maiestie of Englande hath to the souereigntie of Scotland , shows how willing the English were to assume that the Scots could be persuaded to accept a union of unequal partners .
2 Not all were built as auditoria in which an enrapt audience could listen to their chosen hero .
3 The cachous vanished in a flash and there were sullen looks and mutterings as the last children went back to their places , though one or two , even if they had n't won a sweet , felt strangely pleased that they had done something good , though not all were quite sure what it was .
4 Not all were so fortunate with their billetors .
5 Not all were convinced that empire was the right policy .
6 Not all were so positive , however .
7 Not all were up to the standard of Miss Clarke , most were a lot older .
8 Not all were correct .
9 Many were simply too busy doing other things , and although not all were involved in the student tides discussed , a majority of them were devoting their energies to extracurricular activities .
10 The final count was 480 , though not all were there together .
11 It also occurred in the case of the Paratroopers , who were acquitted of the rape charge ( though not all were acquitted of all sexual offences ) after a woman soldier had entered the men 's barracks alone .
12 Nevertheless , if men such as these were in fact the local recruiting agents , not all were equipped for the job ; Nicholas Hill of Oakham , though servant to no less a figure than the king , possessed neither arms nor armour .
13 These features profoundly affected the shape and priorities of the new scheme , although not all were carried over into it .
14 But so too have been the threats , for not all were able to respond adequately to the new standards set by the leaders .
15 Not all were as exotic as those with a succession of Miss Worlds , some of whom had to be nursed along ( with a few retakes ) as they struggled for appropriate poise and vocabulary .
16 A key figure for this last task was the archbishop of Canterbury , but not all were as reliable or as effective on the king 's behalf as Sudbury proved to be : Islip ( 1349–66 ) had not secured the sexennial grant requested in 1356 , although probably even Sudbury would have had problems with such an extreme proposal ; and after Sudbury , Courtenay ( 1381–96 ) was not always obliging .
17 Not all were anxious , apprehensive , ill at ease .
18 Not all were tankers — the second , a South Korean-run oilfield service vessel , was caught close to a Saudi offshore field and sunk .
19 Not all were conducted by aircraft or the use of mines .
20 It is said — and I have never been able to verify this figure — 70% , and not all were shot down by the fighters , although the majority of aircraft were .
21 Not all were satisfied that the last minute restrictions were necessary .
22 So far , more than 900 graves have been excavated , though not all were mass burials .
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