Example sentences of "[not/n't] that [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The negative side of all this was ben Eliezer 's polemics against straight-faced , over-serious rabbinism ; against those whose understanding of God 's nature was austere and unfatherly ; those who , while seeking to elevate the Most High , merely put him out of touch with his own children ; debarred them from his welcoming presence by a system or learning that became ‘ frivolous ’ in its intensity : not that its perpetrators could be frivolous : black was their colour , even as severity was their posture — as becomes the frozen-in-soul .
2 The general public could hardly be described by Ritchie as viewing cruelty to domestic pets with ‘ horror ’ were it not that its sympathies were outraged by perceived wrongs .
3 Not that their patronage would have necessarily ensured success .
4 Not that their slightly geekish demeanour really matters in the light of much of tonight 's set .
5 Not that their newly re-upholstered troubled-funk rhythms would n't make converts of you all on the spot , but it 's heartening to see so many so attached to , well , so little .
6 She showed no inclination to argue further , but lay back in her chair , smiling at Robert , and I saw that it was not , as I had believed , understanding and acceptance that her smile revealed , not that their marriage was so secure it could sustain itself in the face of any disagreement , but that Lili could afford to be pleasant because she had no scruples .
7 As far as the New Critics are concerned , the best conclusion might be , not that their view of poetry was necessarily wrong , but that what was wrong was the claims they made concerning it .
8 For example , we have withdrawal groups for music , not that their ordinary subjects are disrupted in this way , but it can be so organized on the timetable that they are withdrawn at a different period each week , and getting together , for example , to play in the school orchestra erm is of terrific value .
9 Not that her grandmother wasted much time preparing treats for her troublesome charge .
10 Not that her father and mother had divorced .
11 Not that her packing would take long .
12 Not that her ladyship minds — she realises the new Earl 's tastes are different .
13 Not that her vanity took away from her ; in some eerie way that he did n't relish , her self-absorption even made her harder to withstand .
14 It was not that her therapist was possessed of unusual wisdom or insight and that Scarlet had learned from her : it was just that Scarlet had discerned her way of thought and her approach to the problems which beset the insecure and so found her entirely predictable .
15 Resistance might have been easier if he had been , not that her belief that he was had been enough to stop her succumbing to him once .
16 Not that her first part could have been improved upon that much .
17 Not that her mum and dad would mind , they 're lovely .
18 Not that her cousin 's health had relapsed , or anything like that , but her mood had communicated itself to the twins , who 'd been particularly fractious and difficult .
19 Not that our sort is given to bragging in any case , but it had given my dad — a branch manager for one of the High Street banks — a certain quiet satisfaction to be able to let his staff know that his son was ‘ going up ’ to Oxford .
20 Not that our world leaders have much to worry about .
21 I have already mentioned that Jeannie is pretty good , but not that our three children — Daisy ( eight ) , Jack ( six ) and Ralph ( four ) — are all keen gold panners .
22 Well Mr er Deputy Speaker I er do n't wish to er follow the honourable member of one of my er neighbours but I actually think it 's really part of grown up politics to ensure that the political opinion of a nation is adequately represented in the forums of that nation whether it be in this place or in the European er parliament and to that extent I make no bones about it that erm I wish that we were debating a different electoral system and Mr Deputy Speaker going back to the minister 's introduction erm it is a fact , I did n't wish to intervene because I did n't , it 's a short debate and I did n't want to take up er extra time , but it is a fact is it not that our electoral system unique across Europe means that our deadline as opposed to what the French are going to do is different to all the other member states .
23 Not that my character emerged unscathed from their testimony .
24 Not that my diet is ideal — it 's terrible .
25 Not that my John was n't the best in the world .
26 to the rescue — not that my friend was pleased —
27 Not that my motives should bother you . ’
28 It 's not that my family deliberately kept Fred 's existence a secret .
29 ‘ WHAT surprises me now is not that my generation had so little sex in the 1950s , but that , given the circumstances , we had any at all ’ — Sir Peter Hall .
30 The answer to these is not that your boss will be mad if you do not deliver .
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