Example sentences of "[not/n't] used by " in BNC.

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1 The General Strike , a title not used by the TUC , was simply an attempt by the General Council of the TUC to support the miners against a wage reduction .
2 The orthodox Jews are the only community in this country where sex is on women 's terms , and where women can truthfully say that they are not used by their husbands .
3 It meant spending two months living in the spare bedroom and the kitchen , the only rooms not used by the crew , while the cast — including Vanessa Redgrave , Emma Thompson , Helena Bonham Carter and , fresh from The Silence of the Lambs , Anthony Hopkins — were filming .
4 Happily for most of us , who are inclined to overeat occasionally or frequently , all the calories consumed in food are not used by the body for energy or fat storage .
5 Though not used by homoeopathic pharmacies in this country for potencies below the 1M , it is used commercially in Belgium for all potencies , and is also used when a practitioner has to make a specific potency for a particular patient , such as a potency of chloroform for a case of chloroform allergy .
6 This explained why LGS was not used by mothers to treat many of the cases of loose stool presented by children , since the mothers ' diagnosis was of one other than daeria .
7 It is strange that although this technology was known it was not used by Kentish craftsmen for nearly 50 years .
8 In China , although a system has been proposed and taught , it is still not used by deaf people .
9 Items marked with an asterix ( * ) are not used by High Elf troops and are not therefore available to High Elf characters .
10 Items marked with an asterisk ( * ) are not used by Orc or Goblin troops and are not therefore available to your army 's characters .
11 Items marked with an asterisk ( * ) are not used by Empire troops and are not therefore available to Empire characters .
12 Shorter wavelengths than this can cause damage to animal tissue and so they are not used by any life , except us .
13 When this was done it was found that 799 comments from the potential risks condition were given codes which were not used by any subject in the description of that five second section .
14 NOT DELETED — HARD COPY EXISTS Although this package name has been reserved in name only and is not used by any other package , a hard copy has been taken .
15 Grey — it is n't used by any of the armed forces , you see .
16 Sadly , this file format is n't used by other back-up utilities such as FastBack or Norton Backup , which means you have to persist with the DOS utilities you 've got if you want to get your files back .
17 But certainly not good condition cos it was n't used by much , of course being a dead end see .
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