Example sentences of "[not/n't] know [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Impossible to judge whether she knew or did not know whatever it was that Francis had been told , and there was nothing to be gained by turning the screw too hard .
2 I frankly do not know which I prefer , wrote Harsnet .
3 What is so troubling is that the Discarded Image Lewis is there beside the bullying rhetorician , and we do not know which of them is going to speak next .
4 We do not know which , if any , funds are affected and we do not know whether there has been an over valuation or an under valuation . ’
5 France does not know which way to go .
6 ( There again , I still do not know which of us was right ; a little of each , perhaps . )
7 Clifford said he did not know which academic dress to wear as he had three London degrees , and ‘ I ca n't wear them all at once ’ .
8 We do not know which , if any , of these treatments is effective at the moment , although they are all in current use and variously recommended by health professionals .
9 We do not know which , if any , of them will have the desired results . ’
10 With no hand of its own , the amino acid simply does not know which way to turn .
11 Beans in space , said the Americans , did not know which way to grow and truancy in children was ascribed , by researchers in the US and Britain , to long-sightedness .
12 Yet I did not know which to trust : the splintered yet separately concrete vision of myself each man offered me which was the product of his necessary fantasy ; or the amorphous , difficult to establish whole self which struggled to say that his vision of me and mine through his , had distorted it .
13 But this same lady makes it clear that she does not know which side is right .
14 At first it will be helpful to know which is being described , but later , having worked through the chosen list , you could try to pick out which is being described when one category is chosen ( you do not know which ) in random order .
15 Homoeopathy did not help him either but at his third visit he commented that he did not know which came first , his sinus problem or his depression .
16 I do not know which of these criteria , if any , the Harvard linguists would use to justify their comments .
17 He did not know which building he would raze … but one would go .
18 On the basis of interviews with prisoners in The Netherlands and England , Downes concluded that there was less ‘ depth ’ to imprisonment in the former , a parallel to John Howard 's conclusion two centuries earlier : ‘ I do not know which to admire most , the neatness and cleanliness appearing in the prisons , the industry and regular conduct of the prisoners , or the humanity and attention of the magistrates and regents . ’
19 I do not know which company in their burgeoning hi-fi industry is responsible but they can be quite pleased with themselves on this evidence .
20 Baldwin was half with him , but was ‘ suffering from sciatica and obviously did not know which way to turn in the midst of his conflicting advisers ’ .
21 The reason that we can not calculate the necessary correction is that we do not know which way the photon went when it bounced into the microscope .
22 Although a search may be successful , we do not know which key rule led to its success .
23 We do not know which aspect of the search was significant .
24 But the necklace , or corsage — she did not know which — was heavy .
25 Additionally , carried away by enthusiasm that ought not to affect the judgement of experienced lawyers , they advised him , or agreed on his urging ( I do not know which ) , that he should issue writs for libel , which he did , with the disastrous effect that he actually accepted some damages from one publication before he was compelled to reveal the falsity of his assertions .
26 But she did not know which of the many doors of the hall-way was that of their bedroom .
27 Please give the things to the Station Master , because we do not know which train you come back on .
28 But he had already said something similar to Burun , and did not know which of his words had been repeated verbatim .
29 They 're very good with each other 's babies too , you can come in and not know which baby belongs to who , or a girl 's got an exam coming up and they 'll all muck in and change the baby for her .
30 The agogiati did not know which — all , he thought .
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