Example sentences of "[Wh det] [conj] not " in BNC.

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1 They 're in the larder on the shelf right in front of you , about nose height , or somebody 's nose height , I do n't know which or not , but they 're right in the middle of the shelf .
2 LAMDA ( London Academy of Music and Drama ) runs a one-year course for overseas students only , which although not set up as a post-graduate course may include a number of students with extensive university theatre experience as well as some professional experience .
3 At the beginning of 1934 be attempted to gain more influential and financial support from establishment and entrepreneurial sources ; hence the formation of the January Club , a dining group which although not specifically a front organization , nevertheless was designed to influence politicians , businessmen and members of the armed services towards the fascist case .
4 Much the same can be said of the widespread use of ‘ suggestion schemes ’ , which although not compulsory are so widespread that employees feel obliged to participate in them .
5 In fact there were some special features associated with the News International ban , which if not individually unique were unusual , and in combination made the ban virtually unprecedented .
6 In fact Professor Hayek is sufficiently honest to admit that the free society which we have seen grow in Europe since the Enlightenment has produced through the writings of Marx and Freud a set of values which if not renounced will destroy the civilisation itself ; namely the pursuit of egalitarianism at the collective level leading to the replacement of the market economy by the planned economy and the pursuit of freedom at the personal level leading to abandonment of traditional morality based on the concept of right and wrong and good and evil .
7 This kind of generalised discussion can at the same time draw in a number of points covering health aspects , daily routine , and the emotional needs for company , and a sense of belonging which if not met can result in depression , anxiety or misery .
8 Teachers need to recognize problem-solving as a specific activity , build it into the curriculum — perhaps well-designed computer programs could assist this difficult task by creating some interesting environments which if not exactly ‘ real ’ can have some exciting behaviour to explore .
9 Grocery chains in particular require stock lines to meet sales turnover objectives , which if not met will result in the discontinuing of the line .
10 Examining the broad statements in community care plans and detailed information from agencies actively implementing the care programme she identifies some of the confusions between the care programme and care management approaches which if not resolved will lead back to some of the implementation problems identified in Huxley 's paper .
11 ‘ These are very specific injuries which if not treated properly can ruin someone 's sporting future , ’ said Nigel .
12 He has permitted this development , which if not in actual breach of European environmental law , is certainly at odds with its spirit .
13 The proposal does not refer to sponsorship as such , but it does state , in convoluted Euro-language , that ‘ a ban should therefore be imposed on such indirect forms of advertising which while not actually mentioning the tobacco product , use trade marks , emblems , symbols or other distinctive elements associated with tobacco products …
14 The product of the flowrate and the dilution factor give a numerical value for the odour emission , which whilst not a direct measurement of odour nuisance is shown to be a guide : the higher the emission the more likely the odour is to give rise to complaints and therefore more likely to amount to a nuisance at law .
15 In Colombia , many of the peasants were persuaded to give up their coffee and cocoa trees , which though not highly productive , could be relied on to produce and , instead , to take up seasonal crops such as corn , soybeans and tomatoes .
16 However , let me put a view which though not provable , is perhaps persuasive — even if persuasion is the lowest form of proof .
17 There are many churches , pleasant or handsome , which though not perhaps of special architectural interest , are none the less important and well-loved local landmarks .
18 It should encourage ‘ what if ’ and ‘ what if not ’ questions .
19 It should encourage ‘ what if ’ and ‘ what if not ’ questions .
20 Just wait and see what if not he 'll have to have something else .
21 We all get het up about health scares , salmonella , God knows what , and pollution and so on , and we all have views on things like Sunday trading or whatever and not that we all agree on any of these things .
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