Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] 'll " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Also will you ask them whether certain numbers , which I 'll tell you , have any significance in the quarry 's life . ’
2 I 've got a copy of his talk , which I 'll show you when we meet .
3 Among them are a surprising ( or is it ? ) number of aeroplanes bearing Cayman Islands letters , many of which I 'll bet have never been near that tax ; haven , the late Cap'n Bob 's pair of liquidator-awaiting , Bermudan-registered Gulfstreams , appropriately VR-BOB and VR-BRM , and a host of N-numbered machines which no doubt the Gatwick-based FAA inspectors looking for illegally operated U.S.-registered aircraft will find enlightening .
4 Certainly Americans see it as being very different from their home-grown shows and for some reason they all seem to think that I ask rather cheeky questions , which I 'll take as a compliment .
5 In the near future I intend to expand this unholy alliance into a much larger tank and to try a few experiments with the set-up and some new species which I 'll no doubt relate if they 're successful .
6 Erm , the first one is a letter from Ron , he , he 's in Milton Keynes with his family at the moment , on holiday , and he will be missing this meeting action tomorrow and unfortunately the September Executive , erm , he 's reported on the erm market stall which I 'll come to a bit later , I ask you for details about that and for the enclose with it erm , a statement issued by the association nationally on pensioner 's and the Poll Tax .
7 which is burnt off when the whole thing gets fired in the kiln , so what will have to happen is the , your pots you 've done so far , once they 're thoroughly dried and go into the kiln , they 're fired at a high temperature and then they 'll come out this bit fired you 'll then separate them with oxide pastes , dip them into glaze , which I 'll explain in a minute , and re-fire them at a higher temperature , the glazed would
8 And then when we come in , the assessment form is written out and erm er there 's a marking sheet which I 'll I 'll sh sh show you before we go out on the road .
9 For which I 'll pay .
10 It is now funded by the health authority under the normal joint finance arrangements and there have been one or two local disputes which I 'll come back to later on .
11 Erm I 've got an information pack here which I 'll hand out at the end of the session and it 's got sort of four fairly erm useful leaflets in it .
12 ‘ Accordingly , ’ said Miller , ‘ I propose to hold a press conference this afternoon at which I 'll reveal we 're dealing with a kidnap as well as a murder . ’
13 The first attitude involves a conscious repression of her own identity on Mira 's part , whereas the second attitude , though supposedly more contentious , often leads Willy forcibly to repress her ‘ disagreeable ’ qualities : ‘ All my objections , which I 'll put as genuine unacceptabilities of my cassandring person , which no man 'll take , will be swept under his magic carpet with the ho-ho joke if no man will and I will , what am I ? ’ ( 136 ) .
14 And the description which I 'll give you allows for that .
15 Right , now I must n't be seen to be indicating in any way that er you do n't have to bother with it all , because they too put all out some excellent er booklets , brochures I 've got two thick pads of them which I 'll let you circulate .
16 Three is the training programme , which I 'll go to the photocopier in a minute .
17 We 've got which I 'll go on to expand in a minute about .
18 In certain entries th tha which I 'll come to shortly , do use extra memory , er , just say a few things about er , the one , three of these , three of the Windows products , which er , one of you is using , erm , it uses memory slightly differently , er , if I put an entry in row one , and a ro and an entry on row five one two , then yes , it er uses memory for that whole range there .
19 I think Freud would say though however that these are more like the th the was talking about religion , now clearly if something is a outlawing it is n't gon na make much difference to it , or if anything it 's , it 's just gon na make it er , er make it more difficult , but there are certain types of religion and Judaism is one of them where th this very pattern you 're talking about did occur and here Freud is er probably standing on , on firm ground , for reasons which I 'll explain in my lectures I do n't wan na take up too much time , but I have done a bit of research on this myself and as you will see , erm there 's , there are good reasons for thinking that Freud was certainly right about some of those and we certainly know that a monotheistic and , and an absolutely rigidly monotheistic religion appeared in Ancient Egypt as erm Andrea said , just before erm the er reign of this heretic er heretic , heretic pharaoh one of whose er near descendants , I forget how he was related now , erm was originally called Tutamkhatan and then was forced to change his name to Tutankhamen and he was dug up by Howard Carter in nineteen twenty two or something er and er the Tutankhamen is called Tutankhamen and not Tutamkhatan is that there was a religious .
20 A a as you and various other people likely said erm a lot of people regarded it as a kind of act of erm racial er disloyalty I 'm not bothered about what race I am , I 'm just bothered about the truth , and the truth is that I think erm Moses was not Jewish well who 's to know , who 's to know erm as I said it 's a fascinating book and if , if you like that kind of detective story approach to history , you , you might , you might enjoy reading it , erm there are , i it raises a lot of other issues , many of which I 'll talk about in the , in the lectures , so I , I wo n't waste time say repeating it all here .
21 They 're probably even clearer if you take this copy of my er which I 'll leave by the door and er we 'll carry on next week .
22 Which I 'll just pick up on as a as as a final point .
23 I would endorse what Ken has said , I certainly am of the view there are overriding reasons which I 'll come to in a moment for putting forward a general location , I had seen that as a central location which may or may not span more than one district .
24 Er , we need to now have some to er cover the cost of proposed adaptations to bring support staff together , which I 'll , which we 've got in hand , and we 'll also be miring money , I think from the salary budget to help with the cost of er the total quality training .
25 There will be certain discussions which I 'll go into in a minute , at the at that stage which will determine what we 're going to do for them .
26 Because the European Commission is making a number of funds available to develop those links , the overture fund , the knowhow fund funded by the Foreign Office , the fund , the enterprise fund , the fur fund , the tempest fund , all these are in the reportback which I 'll gratefully give to the press and also the opposition if they 'll bother to read it .
27 The other thing is I need er we need to monitor the source of er informations reg information regarding the cordless phone promotion so I 've devised a form which I 'll get faxed yeah in other words , where did they find out about the promotion .
28 Yeah , I 've spoken to Tom , he wants me to get an outline price which I 'll do today .
29 So we shall use this at our great banquet which I 'll tell you about in a moment when we go round , which is our next event .
30 A home , she thought in sudden pain , which I 'll never share with him now .
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