Example sentences of "[be] so [det] " in BNC.

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1 The in-between bits — what some call life — seemed by such standards to be so much waste of time , which they could not be done with fast enough .
2 A child 's garden can be so much more than just a sandpit .
3 So , come and see the different faces of Rhodes and ask yourself how there can possibly be so much in one place .
4 The problem may not be so much that when we talk of God we say nothing , as that we say too much — we say things that seem to combine irreconcilable images that can never be focussed upon one ‘ being ’ .
5 He would have been much surpris 'd to know my true Opinion on these matters , but I did not chuse to let him be so much familiar , I kept mum , and smiled and nodded as best I might , keeping my Thoughts to myself .
6 Pervasive though this negative tradition is , it does n't quite answer why it is that in a post-Christian society there should continue to be so much indifference to the claims of animals .
7 After the meeting there would be so much to do that the time would Pass quickly .
8 However , those two qualities — innocence and a sense of responsibility — do not appear to be so much in demand in children 's stories if we are to believe a booklet published by the Evangelical Alliance .
9 Undoubtedly , the retrieval of information will be easier , organization of information will probably be better managed and there will be so much more information available at the press of a button .
10 Knowing also his hinted promise was likely to be so much dust .
11 You will , in fact , be so much in control of the situation that , should you decide at any moment that you do not wish to continue , all you have to do is open your eyes and you will be your present-day self again , exactly as you were when you first entered the consulting room .
12 ‘ Whenever he plays for Arsenal , there always seems to be so much pressure on him .
13 ‘ Why should there be so much hassle over one position when there are so many other good players fighting for places in the centre and back row ?
14 Creating this pattern may be so much second nature to her , that she does not recognize the skill involved and the complexity of her art .
15 For a man , this does not seem to be so much of a problem ; he can be one of a squadron of marching , identically dressed soldiers , or one of a thousand employees in a firm , and still know that he is special and unique .
16 He had not realized that there would be so much to do .
17 In these cases , some of the ‘ care ’ required may not be so much nursing care as a constant or regular presence of another person who will ensure their safety .
18 Such work hit at the heart of the institution which the conservative-historians took to be so much under threat — the nuclear family .
19 However , such talk might be so much stuff and nonsense .
20 Advocates of each conception of contracts have failed to recognize that they may not be so much disagreeing as attempting to answer different questions .
21 It can be so much more .
22 " There does n't seem to be so much to tell , " said Clara .
23 There seems to be so much to learn , so much to absorb .
24 That maybe the idea , but there are so many things to be done by voluntary workers if people would only say well I 've got half an hour an hour it could be so much of an advantage to whoever they 're giving their services to because we 're having to cut costs on this and costs on that an hour or two given voluntary would cover those jobs that we ca n't get the money to pay for .
25 This is sometimes a reflection of the belief that if sample results show the discharge to be so much beyond the consent limits then the pollution must be having some effect on the stream .
26 Such comments explain why there can be so much discussion of undergraduate courses within specific disciplines , and yet so little of the undergraduate curriculum as a whole .
27 But on the other hand they 're not having to deal so much with another executor there is n't there has n't got to be so much to and fro correspondence and therefore the workload will be somewhat less and that 's likely to balance the extra responsibility element .
28 And fortunate too that he should be so much in love …
29 How could such a proud gentleman be so much in the power of one of his servants that he could not even punish her for trying to kill him ?
30 Too many people believe football is nothing more than a game , but you and I know it to be so much more .
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