Example sentences of "[be] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The second , and potentially more successful development , would be for Colleges to recognise the need for accurate information about costs , so that shortfalls in finance could be identified and addressed .
2 Nor is it the knowledge that Foxton , a haunt of foxes even in Saxon times , is a meeting place among others of one of the great Leicestershire Hunts , the Fernie , however important a cause that may be for assemblies of motorists in the county .
3 Stuart said ICL would be concentrating on SVR4.2 on Intel platforms , anticipating that its greatest impact would be for companies looking to implement true client/server installations , with SVR4.2 at both the client and server ends .
4 Both strategies have their place and it should be for teachers to determine the balance appropriate to their situation and the needs of their pupils .
5 The Daily Mirror and Sunday Pictorial were in interlocking ownership ; but the first Lord Rothermere , one of the founders ( in 1903 , when the Mirror was to be for women , edited by women — the women failed , and sacking them , the Harmsworths ' henchman said , was like drowning kittens ) had dispersed his shares on the Stock Exchange in 1931 .
6 if it 's any consolation the new course is reckoned to be for experts only … ask Sandy Lyle …
7 Again , the aim would be for employers to back this decision with the offer of future employment once the education or training course had been completed .
8 Would not the best course of action be for employers to dismiss anyone who has addictive disease ?
9 C1 was to be a two-year course for 16-plus school-leavers with suitable qualifications , leading to a certificate or diploma comparable in status to an OND , while C2 would normally be of two years ' duration and would be for students not so highly qualified or well-motivated as those taking C1 courses .
10 The goods will be his , he will not be able to reject them ( because he will have ‘ accepted ’ them , section 35 , paragraph 13–03 below ) and his only claim will be for damages .
11 The first to be for Members only and to be held on 8th .
12 At a national level one can only imagine what the development consequences might be for countries with already declining or collapsing economies .
13 Future funding from the Board to law centres would be for cases done under the green forms and legal aid schemes , including any new arrangements that might be developed , ‘ and possibly grants for specific types of work where the law centres could demonstrate that they would provide a better and more efficient service in ways that did not lend themselves to payment on a case by case basis . ’
14 ‘ Not till the next time you come , anyway , and that might not be for ages . ’
15 Over the last fourteen years forty two million pounds and if they go on the way their going on and the way they 're talking it 's all gon na be for nicks nowt .
16 They had interviewed a man from Bombay who claimed to have a degree in physics but turned out to be a defrocked dentist , and they had nearly offered a job to a man from Sri Lanka who seemed to know everything about the school apart from the fact that it was supposed to be for Muslims .
17 How much better it would be for ministers to be seen in the constituencies giving us the ammunition we need to fight on the doorsteps . ’
18 First , the term ‘ national security is no stranger to us ’ and was used often in statutes without being defined or restricted as to its meaning , with Parliament always accepting that ‘ decisions about questions of national security must be for Ministers ’ .
19 If it is , it will be for reasons to do with overall levels of sentencing for many sorts of crimes , not merely those related to drugs .
20 The most urgent need will invariably be for sources of long-term credit to finance major new investments , to maintain debt-to-equity ratios consistent with minimal capital costs and to cushion the inevitable destruction of capital that flows from basic innovations in organizational practice .
21 A more certain course , in such a case , would be for instructions to be given pursuant to the breach of the peace powers , and a prosecution for obstruction of the constable in the execution of his duty in the event of non-compliance .
22 In July it was disclosed that the Soviet Union was owed the equivalent of 87,500 million ( 25 per cent in convertible currencies ) , but much of this was believed to be for arms sales to poorer countries who were unable to repay it .
23 This can be for periods of one , two , three , six or 12 months or longer if required .
24 If that is so , the easiest way out of this battle of the sexes will be for firms to let employees opt out of the company scheme and use their money to buy a private pension .
25 Many of the appropriate works are likely to be for users who require a general introduction to a subject — even though , in some cases , the same user 's formal education may be highly advanced in another field .
26 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand , and shalt be for frontlets between thine eyes .
27 It must be for murderers , she thought , and smiled at the house .
28 Oliver Lange looks at residencies , sponsorship and other initiatives and shows how useful these can be for artists .
29 He saw the purpose of it to be for advisers to gain a general view of the school — not to pick up on bad points .
30 Although written testing is still in common use , ( and it is appropriate that it should be for outcomes which are knowledge-based ) , other instruments such as projects , case studies and assignments were commonly used too .
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