Example sentences of "[be] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 This means that information about food obtained by following others was most available to a given individual when it appears to be of least importance .
2 Whatever you do at least be sure to make it stupendously high ; let it be of all columns in the world the most lofty . ’
3 She was most anxious to supply the right tools and be of all possible help .
4 Or it may be that the formal resource is just not perceived to be of all that much importance .
5 Is n't this is an extraordinary situation , n here is a nurse , a a you know a a kind caring woman , she takes a drug and yet she must be of all people the one person to say , I 'm having a side effect .
6 Third , certain categories of restrictions on competition may not within their economic context be of such a nature to fall within Article 85 .
7 ( These diets could be said to have been half-right , in that they did cut out refined carbohydrates , but unfortunately without adding fibre-rich carbohydrate foods which we now know to be of such help to slimmers . )
8 I am simply denying that God ( whatever we may mean by God ) could be of such a kind that God could intervene in human history , or be revealed through particular events in history , or through a particular person , in a way in which God is not potentially present to us in and through all acts and persons .
9 In order to justify a separate organization , the project must be of such a magnitude that it is possible to employ experts from the required disciplines , on a full-time basis .
10 Each of your Shelfolds of notes compiled from lectures , seminars and private reading must be of such a form that the message leaps from its pages .
11 All too often , academic freedom is thought to be of such a form that its possession by one group implies its denial to another group .
12 These promise to be of such importance that I shall briefly relate them here , before journeying north .
13 Where perishable goods are to be despatched to the buyer by carrier , it is reasonable to expect the goods to be of such a quality as to be able to withstand a normal journey — Mash & murrell v. Joseph Emmanuel ( 1961 Q.B. ) .
14 In the reader example , the fact that the person is female may be of such insignificance that it is not even included as an attribute .
15 Why this should be of such importance in the minds of you and me , and all the others from the world of the nineteen-forties I do not know .
16 If possible , the T 1 observation should be of such a nature as to minimize reaction of this kind .
17 The emerging pattern seemed to be of each main electronic and electrical sector being left with about three major companies .
18 The cattle of Scotland used to be of many colours but predominantly black and of the Highland or Galloway type .
19 Unlike an industrial accident involving a single emission source , the pollutants contributing to an urban smog are emitted from numerous diverse sources and may be of many types .
20 For Locke , then , ‘ general words signify … a sort of thing ’ ; and they do this by being a sign of an abstract idea or nominal essence in the mind , ‘ to which idea , as things existing are found to agree , so they come to be ranked under that name ; or … be of that sort ’ .
21 For such a quality to be fully present , body , psyche and spirit would all have to be of that higher order .
22 This is shown in percentile bands with the fiftieth percentile line shown in the middle ( i.e. fifty out of one hundred children at that age will be of that weight or height ) .
23 It follows from the foregoing that a condition of the type at issue in the main proceedings , which stipulates that where a vessel is owned or chartered by natural persons they must be of a particular nationality , and where it is owned or chartered by a company the shareholders and directors must be of that nationality , is contrary to article 52 of the E.E.C .
24 ‘ Where the person applying for leave to make an application for a section 8 order is not the child concerned , the court shall , in deciding whether or not to grant leave , have particular regard to — ( a ) the nature of the proposed application for the section 8 order ; ( b ) the applicant 's connection with the child ; ( c ) any risk there might be of that proposed application disrupting the child 's life to such an extent that he would be harmed by it ; and ( d ) where the child is being looked after by a local authority — ( i ) the authority 's plans for the child 's future ; and ( ii ) the wishes and feelings of the child 's parents .
25 Were it not for the material in the reports of Hansard to which your Lordships have been referred , I , too , would still be of that view , for although I recognise that in popular parlance with provision to one individual of a service which is , in any event , being provided for reward to many others may be said to cost the provider little or nothing , ‘ cost ’ in accountancy terms is merely a computation of outgoing expenditure without reference to receipts .
26 No matter how serious an infringement there might be of that act they are not subject to any sort of criminal offence .
27 Heeding Lady Barber 's wish that the ‘ purchases for the Collection shall be of that standard of quality required by the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection ’ , the Trustees have succeeded in acquiring over the years a group of paintings , drawings , sculptures , and objet d'art of exceptional merit , a number of them undisputed masterpieces .
28 Modules will only follow a process model if they have been defined to be of that particular model subtype via the MODULE-SUB-TYPE-IS keyword in the module header .
29 Unluckily , this may be of little help to the reader if the pictures illustrated are used as mere decoration , and not the subject of critical discussion .
30 A majority for Imperial preference in a general election would be of little use from the Dominion point of view , since it was ‘ obvious that the whole system might be capsized in a year or two .
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