Example sentences of "[be] [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 It should be remembered that an offer may be withdrawn any time before acceptance , unless the person making the offer receives something of value to keep the offer open or the offer is made under seal .
2 I do n't I do n't think that the the er four thing bumf thing that includes that long list really need to be altered any more .
3 Following consideration of admission prices by the Scottish League Management Committee , secretary Peter Donald confirmed yesterday : ‘ We will not be suggesting any change . ’
4 ‘ You 'd better not be using any metal in what you 're making , ’ said Mr Walpit .
5 ‘ You 'd better not be using any wood in what you 're making , , said Mr Welt .
6 Searle , told New Scientist that his company wo n't be using any antibiotics in its processes .
7 We 'll not be building any more than we intended for this year — well , a house or two more , maybe , but nothing beyond .
8 In future we will not be accepting any similar adverts and we 'll be donating the revenue from this advert to the RSPCA .
9 And if that was n't a big enough blow to Travis 's hopes , Rosemary , in the cold light of morning , told Travis that she would not be accepting any more invitations to the flat opposite for supper either .
10 equipment , and in ‘ first-world ’ country sees no excuse to continue fishing in this manner : ‘ The counter-arguments of a handful of fishermen ... not representative of the industry ... should not be given any particular weight .
11 And third , ministers will not be given any detailed information about MI5 's work .
12 I spoke to a number of women who started their working lives in the grant-aided film and video sector , to find out whether the personal choices they had made could be given any wider significance .
13 But , in keeping with Princess Anne 's past wishes , it is unlikely that he will be given any special title .
14 The expectations of chartered accountants working in a location such as this have certainly changed since then if Ms Harris ' ideas are to be given any credence — I am sure Charles Bullworthy will remember the fifties well .
15 She did not expect Diana to tell her friends or for Morton to be given any more secret details about the royals .
16 ‘ The hard part is still to come and I know I wo n't be given any big money to strengthen the squad , even if we stay at the top .
17 These factors make it unlikely that his dicta , even if accepted by other members of the Court , could be given any more general applicability .
18 One merely has to read its wording to see that it can not be given any sensible meaning in a context such as the present , where the mind and will of the defendants are also treated in law as the mind and will of ‘ the other . ’
19 Whereas the former leads into a philosophical cul de sac and can not be given any definitive answer , the latter indicates the kind of approach that promises to be illuminating and fruitful .
20 The question of the uniqueness of the initial conditions is closely related to that of the arbitrariness of the local physical laws : One would not regard a theory as complete if it contained a number of adjustable parameters such as masses or coupling constants that could be given any values one liked .
21 ‘ I do n't think we 're going to be given any choice in the matter , ’ said Floy , rather grimly .
22 Strategic Planning Guidance … can provide the framework to begin the necessary work which will have to be undertaken if sustainability is to be given any credence within the development plan framework . ’
23 ‘ Believe me , I 'm deeply grateful to be given any sort of study at all , deeply grateful .
24 I doubt very much whether they 'll be given any opportunity to voice what happens to them when they 're transferred or what happens to the fund .
25 The A N C has reacted calmly to the charges ; it said Mrs Mandela should n't be given any special treatment , but western diplomatic sources in Johannesburg said earlier today , ‘ the trial will place strain on the negotiation process ’ .
26 You should not be eating any of the grain products from last week , whether they suited you or not .
27 Points to remember If you experience a reaction , immediately cut out the offending food or beverage You will not be eating any grains or dairy produce this week apart from the permitted 2 slices of slimmer 's bread and 3floz ( 85ml ) skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt .
28 She would n't be seeing any dead women getting out of their rocking chairs .
29 ‘ Think we shall be seeing any of them again , sir ? ’
30 If the Defendants pay your legal costs in full you will be refunded any contributions that you have made .
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