Example sentences of "[be] [conj] at " in BNC.

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1 He could think of nowhere he would rather be than at home , with people he knew and trusted , in a place without secrets .
2 ‘ Is it safe to do that , knowing one outcome may be that at the end of the process we exclude sexual abuse ?
3 Warwick 's chief stewardship in the duchy of Lancaster went not to Gloucester but to Hastings and the implication seems to be that at this stage the king was more concerned to reward his allies than to undertake a major reconstruction of royal authority in the north .
4 It may be that at a low level of a graduated test scheme teachers may wish to acknowledge a pupil 's recognition of only an equilateral or isosceles triangle as a triangle .
5 It may be that at the national political level in the late twentieth century it is harder to identify discrete instrumentalist land interests than it is when looking at specific places , although even at the national level it is easy enough in 1988 .
6 It may be that at this time he was retained also by Simon of Montfort , Earl of Leicester [ q.v. ] , who had awarded him a money fee before 1245 .
7 The sample may be biased insofar as Livingstone and Wilkie used middle management as their study and it may well be that at this level individuals are reasonably well paid and hence money is not as important as other factors .
8 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
9 It may even be that at no one moment in mid-Silurian times was limestone being deposited throughout the region concerned .
10 It could be that at some future date we may wish to consider running DOS-based PCs from a Unix file-server , but it is preferable that we leave this as a possible option at the moment , rather than a definite commitment .
11 Modem linkage for Dawyck will be needed within the next five years , and it may be that at that point we could decide to install a multiplexor to deal with all of our external computer links — use of local EUCS services , JANET , PSS , Royline and others .
12 Warwick 's chief stewardship in the duchy of Lancaster went not to Gloucester but to Hastings and the implication seems to be that at this stage the king was more concerned to reward his allies than to undertake a major reconstruction of royal authority in the north .
13 It may be that at various stages the teacher will rearrange the room .
14 no , what I 'm saying is I think that 's something that the B A I E education committee nationally should sit down and have a look at , I mean it may well be that at the end of the day Napier would set a better exam paper than they would er , also I 've suggested to them and again they have n't that Napier validate the course do the marking but with perhaps two B A I E fellows
15 Lewis is better than any modern writer both at explaining what Christian behaviour should be and at analysing its difficulties .
16 He told her everything he knew , and made sure she understood where to be and at what time , talking with the speed of true exhaustion and repeating himself .
17 So I asked myself where else would you be but at Tivoli watching the ballet ? ’
18 She 's not living in Plymouth as , she was gon na be but at the last minute they found a flat for her and
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