Example sentences of "[not/n't] need [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The KGB did not need proof ; suspicion was more than enough .
2 ‘ Why do you not need protection ? ’
3 You do not need Lotus 1-2-3- to run it .
4 A decreasing number of self-corrections , showing that unconsciously made miscues are often semantically acceptable and do not need correction .
5 There is an adage in racing that good jockeys do not need instructions and that bad ones can not carry them out .
6 ( Ruby does not need FDA clearance because it is based on products that occur naturally . )
7 This exercise , organized and stage-managed by the Party , was presented by the official press and propaganda machine as a spontaneous demonstration of popular backing for Franco and , by extension , as " proof " that the Spanish regime did not need validation from outside .
8 The doctors diagnosed that he had probably had a left-sided embolic stroke , and decided that he did not need surgery , so he was treated on the medical ward , where he remained for about seven months .
9 Radios today seldom need repairing or the attention of a technician ; they do not need accessories which can be expensive and can get lost or damaged .
10 Job preferment stigmatises those who do not need help , starts a backlash from whites and reinforces the myth of racial inferiority , the most pernicious effect of which is that blacks have believed it as much as whites .
11 She was said to be ‘ strained and suspicious ’ , but insisted she was well and did not need help .
12 Even so , the introduction of charges had the immediate response of reducing demands on the service , although this does not mean that all those who needed help were now able to get it , or that those withdrawing demand did not need help .
13 Lucky folk , they do not need credit ratings .
14 She did not need Jacques 's laconic , ‘ We have arrived , mademoiselle , ' to tell her that this was Les Hiboux .
15 It did not need wells dug or tractors purchased .
16 Moreover , the Company Act seeks to encourage foreign investment specifically by providing that a less-than-majority stake does not need government approval — an incentive , of course , to joint ventures .
17 In patients who do not need hospitalization , early intervention and easy access to the therapist can be provided using a flexible outpatient system , including direct telephone access .
18 And the Government had ruled that planning applications made before July 1988 ( the date when the directive came into operation ) did not need EIAs .
19 With ‘ Rosy ’ being out-of-contract , clubs do not need Liverpool 's permission to negotiate any deal , and the Israeli striker will study all offers before deciding his future .
20 She did not need Jarvis to tell her of the phenomenon of the shivering platform at West Hampstead as a train approaches , that and the singing of the rails , because she was accustomed to the point of no longer noticing it .
21 In a subsistence economy where individuals make their own clothes , grow their own food , provide their own entertainments , etc. , people do not need money .
22 Your work is professional work ; it does not need apologies .
23 Like most Guillain-Barré syndrome patients , he required maximal nursing , medical and physiotherapy care but did not need sedation .
24 ‘ We do not need solicitors for every tiny detail , ’ he pointed out exasperatedly .
25 Pre-walking age children do not need shoes .
26 Flour beetles do not need water but breed best in a damp atmosphere , so push a test tube or small jar containing water down into the flour .
27 The DC does not need assessment by a user ( other than the specified user ) , who manages a package outside the structure referencing one of the modules in the steering file .
28 Moreover , time targets do not need recalculation when the basic rate is changed and they can also be utilised for planning and programming of the work .
29 The volcanic history of that event does not need restatement here , but the complexity of the stratal history makes this part of the column both the most confusing and the most controversial of all .
30 Once she met the Queen she would not need fitzAlan 's protection .
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