Example sentences of "[not/n't] even [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not even a question of the temptation to give up .
2 No pain , no sprain ; not even a yelp .
3 In extremity , with nowhere to go , and not even a believed theory to wear or hold his mind 's hand ( ‘ what will you run away with ? ’ ) ,
4 Today there is again a global capital market , but no gold standard , no fixed exchange rates , for Britain not even a European Monetary System .
5 The market signals proved totally wrong as Dead Certain drifted out ominously in the betting and Chimes Of Freedom was backed as if defeat was not even a remote possibility .
6 ‘ But so rotten has the policy proved that not even a ‘ taxpayer bail-out ’ could save it .
7 But not even a whisper came from the room .
8 No one moving , not a man nor a woman , not a car or a motor bike , not even a dog barking under the sickle moon which shone in an opalescent sky surrounded by a diadem of stars .
9 Not even a little bit — no matter how tempting it seems . ’
10 In Romania , however , there was not even a ripple when Mr Gorbachev went to Bucharest to preside over a Warsaw Pact summit in July .
11 His Chief Staff Officer was not even a full member of the Chiefs of Staff Committee , the chairmanship of which was rotated between the three Service ‘ Chiefs ’ .
12 Not even a plea from his six-year-old granddaughter to let Big Daddy go could free him .
13 But , in the main , westerners fear a spell in the east will mean a kink in their careers , or that life will be too grey ( ‘ not even a decent pub ’ , groaned one civil servant back from an eastern town he decided not to work in ) .
14 No other government , so the argument runs , not even a completely freely elected one ( Poland 's election last year was only partly free ) , could have detonated Big Bang and survived .
15 She was not at all good-looking , or graceful , or winning , but a mere maiden ; possibly not even a country girl , but a London servant at the great house of Burdcrop nearby .
16 I just do n't like machines with a mind of their own — not even a moped !
17 I bet he 's not even a medical doctor either . ’
18 There was no movement , not even a twitch of the curtains , and no sound breaking the sleepy summer silence .
19 Not even a world-beating time .
20 I had my own experience years ago with your cousin 's Uncle Merritt , and he was not even a relation of ours .
21 Automatically I began trying to accommodate my ideas to those of the police , the experts ; trying to find some reason why a man after rabbits should have no gun , not even a piece of wire or string about him .
22 So that not even a sparrow shall fall to the ground unnoticed by Him ’ .
23 Not a single raised forefinger ; not a flicker of a catalogue ; not even a blink .
24 Although SHe suffered a disquieting disappointment when Jahsaxa told hir Malamute would not be coming back ( not even a goodbye ! ) , it was probably for the best .
25 During the summer when there was not even a blade of green grass in the paddock , her feed of oats and other goodies became inordinately important to her , to the extent that one day when her dinner had not arrived at the usual time she began to paw at the fence in anxiety .
26 Not even a highly-publicised- and subsequently denied-exchange between her and jealous rival Wendy James of the band Transvision Vamp — Wendy : ‘ I do n't know how they vote for that Aussie Bimbo , she sounds like my dog . ’
27 It was not even a large house , only tall , with long flights of steep stairs , and had two rooms on each of the four floors .
28 Now , unless she could rescue herself , she had not even a place on the outside of Mrs Browning 's life and what troubled her most was that she cared .
29 Not even a million , ’ he says , casting doubt on Hitler 's gas chambers .
30 NOT even a clutch of famous hotels including The Savoy , Claridge 's and The Connaught could help The Savoy Group escape the full effects of war and recession which prompted a 78 p.c. slump in pre-tax profit to £2.3m during 1991 , writes Karen Cooper .
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