Example sentences of "[not/n't] so [det] " in BNC.

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1 So you 're not so all you 're
2 But the most notable addition is the inclusion of a full blown MS-DOS environment , not so that existing applications can run ( the device has n't got a keyboard ) , but so that developers can write new programs for it .
3 The facilities available for television training differs from school to school ; filming and television work is expensive to organise , and really there is not so much opportunity as one would like to see for students to gain experience in these vital areas .
4 The distance between them , he wrote , is not so much great as unbridgeable .
5 A feeling , wrote Harsnet , such as I have never experienced before , not so much of wishing I had never been born , as never been born as me .
6 This game was a little disheartening , not so much because of the disciplinary problem , but because it showed all too clearly that few if any of them were actually listening to what I was saying .
7 Later still again , she was doing her A's , there was Daddy talking to them over the shepherd 's pie about Keir Hardie , and her saying , ‘ Oh gosh I see , yes — ! ’ and Mummy laughing , ‘ Can we all eat and not so much learned talk .
8 This derives not so much from the basic raw material — barley that has been malted — or the seasoning of hop flowers , as it does from the top-fermenting yeasts used in the making of ales ( as opposed to the bottom type employed in lagers ) .
9 My main complaint about this book , however , is that it encourages us to become not so much rock climbers as consumers .
10 In a novel where expectations are not so much unfulfilled as positively spited , Shatov 's future , his hope , suffers simple tragic extinction with his murder .
11 This is relativity with a vengeance , and many of us have felt than in a case like this the scales that Eliot measures by are not so much sliding as slithering .
12 This is not so much in narrative coherence — the programme book gave the complete synopsis — as in dramatic timing .
13 The problems with the vehicle are not so much with the engine ( Murray Smith 's script ) as with the bodywork ( Anthony Wilkinson 's direction ) .
14 ‘ I do n't believe in the fatal decline of the written word , ’ says Mr Fontaine , ‘ but we are competing all the time — not so much against television , because the screen image and the printed word complement each other , as against magazines , and against the time people spend getting to work and then their leisure time — against music and the cinema . ’
15 The England he represents is not so much irrelevant as antithetical to any modern image of Britain .
16 The rest is not so much history as anti-racist herstory .
17 The England he represents is not so much irrelevant as antithetical to any modern image of Britain .
18 But that means not so much competing currencies as one Euro-currency with various national names .
19 They ran out on Saturday to a cautious welcome from a crowd of 1,823 ( the best this season and lowest of the day ) a week after losing to Doncaster : it was not so much that Doncaster had scored their first away goals of the season , rather that they got six without reply .
20 Ironically , it is precisely this religious fervour which has landed her Government in the present mess : not so much mortgage tax relief ( which is limited ) as the failure to tax the unlimited capital gains available from selling the prime family residence .
21 But when all the arts journalists in London start fluffing up their tail feathers in unison , the effect is not so much of natural compulsion as of chummy conspiracy .
22 The Leader 's message was that winning the next election depended not so much on her as on us .
23 Not so much for the platform speakers , who have arrived , but for some of the floor speakers , who have n't and would like to .
24 Meanwhile Jackson himself , a gangly six foot four , with a hairline not so much receding as speeding flat out towards his neck , was easily slotted in with the other unlikely pop stars , taking their surly revenge on the conventional way of doing things .
25 The real essence of ‘ Thatcherism ’ , indeed , lay not so much in its ideas , which proved to be increasingly malleable as the years went by , and especially when Nigel Lawson took over the Treasury in 1984 .
26 During her too short life she never ceased to be Anglican ; but she was a Socialist , and a suffragette , and religion for her came to mean , not so much creed or piety , as having a lively social conscience .
27 He spoke of the way Britain failed to take care of the environment and lamented the creeping of towns and the vanishing of the fields and hedgerows , not so much because of the animals as because of the air and the nature of man and the liberty of the soul .
28 So the discussion , and the argument , began to develop not so much between prime minister and archbishop , as between archbishop and Churchill 's patronage secretary Anthony Bevir .
29 She was moved by his address : not so much by the declaration of the reformed and Catholic nature of the Church of England , nor by his condemnation of racialism , nor by his challenge to the State to give the Church more liberty to follow its vocation in worship ; but by his gratitude at the growing longing within the Church for a deeper life of prayer .
30 Coming from Russia , where freedom of the press has been not so much unknown as uncomprehended since long before the Revolution , he is shocked to discover that a free press disseminated all kinds of false , partial and invented information and that journalists contradict themselves from one day to the next without shame and without apology .
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