Example sentences of "[not/n't] to an " in BNC.

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1 I am not able , as others may be , to find an aesthetic pleasure in admiring the pattern as it unfolded ; for the spectacle is not to an Englishman a reassuring one .
2 Furthermore , power — the subsequent basis of the national State — was personal , attached to the person of the ruler , not to an impersonal agency like the State .
3 We allow ourselves to tune in to the personal life and love of God , not to an abstract principle or an impersonal deity .
4 She was n't going to give her smiles away — not till she 'd fixed her position , and certainly not to an ugly pock-marked thing like Miss Phoebe with her beaky nose and whiskery chin … though she did have nice eyes .
5 But this access would be only to an interpretation translation at the lower level ( one in which there remains a one — many mapping of commands ) but not to an ( inscrutable ) compilation translation .
6 A policy basis for this rule might be that the preferable way to protect employment rights is by an action for unfair dismissal before an Industrial Tribunal or by an ordinary action for breach of contract ; and that in cases with no clear public element recourse should be had to such alternative remedies and not to an AJR in the High Court .
7 The term , then , refers not to an enterprise 's size or age , but to a certain kind of activity .
8 At one time it was thought that the section only applied to express agreements and not to an implied agreement .
9 Moreover , a secretary attached to a legation or an embassy and not to an individual minister or ambassador , and remaining at his post over a fairly long period , could become a valuable source of information about local conditions : this might be of great help to a new head of mission coming to a strange country of which he knew little .
10 I spoke not to an individual child but to the head of school in Hatfield where the scheme was piloted and I have to say he was , he neither rhapsodised nor condemned .
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