Example sentences of "[not/n't] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 A word is not a category at all in the sense used : since a text may be decomposed entirely into a sequence of words , there is no linguistic sense in which one could choose to use something else instead of a word .
2 A word , like a sentence , a letter , and a phoneme , is a UNIT , not a category .
3 It was not a fun place any more and doors were already slamming shut to the hundreds of young hopefuls hanging around outside the studio gates about the time when Nicholson began his search for work .
4 So you know , it 's not a fun
5 Registration is not a safeguard against damage and the Post Office will only pay compensation if the contents were adequately packed .
6 In the past month , not a day has gone by without national newspapers devoting reams of print to the issue , asking in big headlines , as Le Point put it , ‘ Should we let Islam colonise our schools ? ’
7 Not a day goes by , Willoughby , without your coming in here asking to join some crack-brained new outfit dreamed up by cranks at the War Office .
8 It was not a day for arguing about the size of tips .
9 Yet I loved her so much and not a day goes past without a thought of her .
10 'though you 're not a day older ,
11 There is not a day which goes by when I do n't think of them , ’ she says .
12 There 's not a day goes by that we do n't think of him . ’
13 Fritz Juventi from the Valenzuela Perseverance , looking not a day older in his tricorn and spats .
14 Not a day went by but she saw Anthony 's face , and superimposed on it the face of Stavros , smirking slightly as he had been in the cemetery .
15 ‘ You will be Jane Rochester in four weeks ’ time , not a day more .
16 ‘ This is not a day for cheering up on .
17 Islander did her best , but this was definitely not a day for beating the daily run record .
18 Sometimes Bernard would work all through the night and there was not a day in winter even in snowy , freezing weather when they would n't turn up and bring sandwiches and bottles to keep us all going . ’
19 Not a day over twenty-five , Charlotte reckoned — hardly two years senior to herself .
20 Not a day goes by that Dad 's face expressions , his bizarre Yiddish phrases , his looks and his own kind of loving do n't pass through our collective consciousness .
21 Not a day longer !
22 The guard will be on its mettle , with the king not a day away , and the sheriff alerted to expect him .
23 Not a day over twelve , any of them .
24 Not a day ?
25 Visibility was about 7km , it was rather hazy with some cloud , but it was possible to maintain VMC , although as Peter said , ‘ it was not a day with endless visibility . ’
26 Impressions of the day-and-a-bit creep back : standing on the blowy lawn with tea , trying to fix names , remember what they 've done ( ‘ I 'm not a day older … you 're wearing well …
27 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
28 Niall Grant was not a day over thirty-five and aggressively masculine !
29 Here 's not a day when folk forget and at the Baiting House pub just north of Bromyard , there 's not a pint pulled without passers by talking of Nicolaus Silver with his jockey ; now the Landlord .
30 There is not a day goes by that Joan does not think of her youngest child .
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