Example sentences of "[not/n't] that i " in BNC.

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1 It 's true that extracts such as Phoebe 's ‘ Think not that I love him … ’ from As You Like It ( Act 3 , Scene 5 ) or Viola 's ‘ 1 left no ring with her … ’ from Twelfth Night ( Act 2 , Scene 2 ) may be all too well known to a panel , but I can not agree with an adjudication policy that would ban these pieces from the audition .
2 Not that I disapprove rural Pleasures , as the Poets have painted them ; in their Landschape every Phillis has her Coridon , every murmuring Stream , and every flowry Mead gives fresh Alarms to Love .
3 Not that I would have attempted to scale the academic heights of an Oxford or a Cambridge , of course , but they do do some very stimulating courses at the Birmingham Polytechnic .
4 Not that I managed .
5 Not that I can remember .
6 Not that I wish to say , he wrote , that everything is inevitable , on the contrary , I wish to assert emphatically that nothing is inevitable and nothing was inevitable , neither what I did nor what I thought , neither what I felt nor what I suffered , yet everything was necessary , a necessary beginning and necessary Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) is misleading , since it was only after I had begun that I knew I had begun , while before I had begun , before the 27 July 1967 , there was no beginning , as there was no end , there was no time and there was no freedom from time , only endless cups of coffee , endless cups of tea , endless biscuits and endless bacon sandwiches .
7 Not that I 've any time for him any longer — going on like that when his poor wife was near her time . ’
8 It 's not that I want to offend you or anything , I … ’
9 Not that I 'm dropping hints , darling ! ’
10 On the third day Susan received a letter from him in which he explained that he was in a clinic for marioc addicts , ‘ Not that I could be called an addict , ’ he wrote , ‘ and this place is more of a health farm , really . ’
11 Not that I have anything against ugliness .
12 Not that I planned on dying .
13 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
14 ‘ It 's not that I do n't want to say anything but I just do n't know what to say , ’ John Ryan , the Welsh coach , sighed .
15 Not that I gave it serious thought .
16 Not that I have anything against gas fitters but I do think that to do what I did at 15 takes a bit more courage .
17 It is not that I wore sleeveless blouses they were always long sleeved and not Choli 's either but even then they disliked it .
18 Not that I can recall , sir .
19 It 's not that I do n't try — I do .
20 Not that I approve of the way some of the young people were dressed today .
21 ‘ And it 's past lunch-time , ’ Herr Nordern said , adding hastily , ‘ not that I 'm bothered , but the children , and Omi … . ’
22 Not that I have ever believed we should meekly accept unnecessary cruelty to animals , but having an agricultural background I have wanted to avoid taking a sentimental stance .
23 Not that I could see anything when I arrived — it was covered in cloud .
24 ‘ It is not that I am in favour of it , it is what is happening .
25 Not that I was n't able to do a bit of Godmother , Fairy , problems-for-the-solving-of act this year .
26 Not that I thought he understood the music that much , but it was the image of he people behind the music , because people like Charlie Mingus are quite characters .
27 I 'm sure I 'll never be allowed back into Russia — not that I 'd ever want to go back .
28 Not that I complained because I was having a great time with it , but I noticed that there were a few changes and when I went back to England from Mustique , that was probably the last time MainMan existed .
29 But I decided to give my countryman a chance , not that I 'd moved four thousand miles to be shown around London by a fellow American , and a hick from the provinces to boot .
30 Not that I care as I love my dandelion friend , Tony , more than I love Otley .
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